Advent Calendar - UPDATE



  • I have subcribe me on the auction letter but i did not receive any mail. I have continue watch the site and only missed 20 minutes and te auction was started en closed within 10 minutes. I am waiting for the PS4 bundle but unfortunately I am afraid that is will missed this one. How can we solved this? Or do you also offer a special bundle christmas price for the PS4 bundle like black friday? Please let me know. Kind regards, Gertjan
    Really wish they had a special Christmas sale price for the CSL Elite PS4 Starter Bundle myself. Was not even offered in the Black Friday deals. Really ignored us. Seems unfair to us PS4 users.
  • 16 seconds, this is getting ridiculous. By the time the page automatically reloaded the auction was finished.

    16 seconds, yep but someone bagged a rim for €20 it’s brilliant. I don’t see any other Companies giving away their products like this. Fanatec stated from the start, they don’t normally run auctions and this would be a learning curve. They have worked seriously hard to improve traffic throughput over the last fortnight. I fear that if people don’t start giving credit where it’s due and keep just knocking them for trying to give their customers a chance at a Christmas bargain, we may never see this repeated. That would be tragic. I am sure that after the auctions are finished, Fanatec will take on board some of the positive comments and ideas, sadly at this point the negative outway the positive. Criticism is pointless unless it is backed up with constructive reasoning that helps negate the reason for criticising.
  • Great auction.........Superb price for the V2.5 wheelbase.

    Really enjoyed that one, very cat and mouse until 250ish then sped to the end.

    It is working better and better. 

    And it is fun.......

    Thomas Jackermeier please pass on to your team what a great job they are doing with the Advent Calender

  • Today im bid on 385€ but did not catch the bid :blush:
  • I've been trying to bid every day but this seems to be more of a lottery than auction.  You'd have to be very lucky to bid at the correct time.

    Maybe after all this is done, Fanatic can offer a 10% off coupon for all those who rush home everyday for the auction but didn't win anything?  One can only dream... :)
  • 16 seconds, this is getting ridiculous. By the time the page automatically reloaded the auction was finished.

    16 seconds, yep but someone bagged a rim for €20 it’s brilliant. I don’t see any other Companies giving away their products like this. Fanatec stated from the start, they don’t normally run auctions and this would be a learning curve. They have worked seriously hard to improve traffic throughput over the last fortnight. I fear that if people don’t start giving credit where it’s due and keep just knocking them for trying to give their customers a chance at a Christmas bargain, we may never see this repeated. That would be tragic. I am sure that after the auctions are finished, Fanatec will take on board some of the positive comments and ideas, sadly at this point the negative outway the positive. Criticism is pointless unless it is backed up with constructive reasoning that helps negate the reason for criticising.

    Maybe you should read some of my previous comments then. Feedback is about saying what’s right and wrong and making suggestions for improvement.
  • 16 seconds, this is getting ridiculous. By the time the page automatically reloaded the auction was finished.

    16 seconds, yep but someone bagged a rim for €20 it’s brilliant. I don’t see any other Companies giving away their products like this. Fanatec stated from the start, they don’t normally run auctions and this would be a learning curve. They have worked seriously hard to improve traffic throughput over the last fortnight. I fear that if people don’t start giving credit where it’s due and keep just knocking them for trying to give their customers a chance at a Christmas bargain, we may never see this repeated. That would be tragic. I am sure that after the auctions are finished, Fanatec will take on board some of the positive comments and ideas, sadly at this point the negative outway the positive. Criticism is pointless unless it is backed up with constructive reasoning that helps negate the reason for criticising.

    Maybe you should read some of my previous comments then. Feedback is about saying what’s right and wrong and making suggestions for improvement.
    I have read the thread from start to now, I firmly believe that Fanatec will look at the feedback once all of these auctions are completed, it wasn't until day 12 that I managed to enter an auction. Since then I have been fortunate enough to be able to get on each auction. That to me shows a Company taking big steps in the right direction.

    Sure for the first 12 days I felt frustrated but I accepted that there would be difficulties with server overload. 

    In the comment I quoted you on, you simply made a negative statement, I personally don't see that as constructive feedback. Logically that auction was always going to be quick as it was one of Fanatecs lower priced items.

    I would hate for Fanatec to decide from the number of negative comments that this has not been well received and never run it again, it is a very generous and seasonal game which allows 1 person to grab a bargain.

  • It is a greatt idea and fantastic they’re doing this, I always said that. it’s just the implementation of the auction system that needs some work. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not frustrated I didn’t win an auction or anything like that. neither you nor me have much chance to win one of the 24 auctions but that’s not the point. Fanatec found a cost effective, fun and interesting way to give 24 lucky people a huge discount. And I don’t think it’s a big marketing trick either, it’s actually aimed at their existing customers. Kudos! Not many companies do that. But my thoughts on improving the system come from some things I find to be frustrating and I read from the feedback others have the same frustrations. The auction time, being that short, makes for a lot of people not being able to place a bid at all. People who can’t be home at 6PM sharp, people that have difficulties getting on to the server or have slow reload times on the site. All that could be solved with a system that allowed for a larger time window to bid. And it wouldn’t overload the servers as much either. There's no need to let more people win, it’s a fun and exciting auction game and that’s fine. But having a system that allows more people to participate, even with the same amount of prizes/chances would let more people share the fun. And you are right about that last comment of mine. It was a negative statement after coming home at about 10 minutes after 6 and seeing the auction only lasted about a minute. Not being able to even place a bid was frustrating. Being able to make a bid and not win makes you think “better luck next time”. But in this case it made me think “what’s the point”.
  • Joseph GossenJoseph Gossen Member, Moderator
    edited December 2017
  • Dear Thomas Jakermeier,

    Sorry for the negative comment.

    I am frustrated at the customer service. I have bought a csp v3i on this black friday. It was shipped on Nov 27 as I check the history on 

    Fanatec Homepage. It is been almost 20 days. But still I do not get the reason why It takes time that long. I am not living in space. :(

    I am from Canada.  By the way when I tried to contact them, They don't reply at least 3 days. A few days ago I have received the mail with 

    the ups tracking number. It says "UPS could not locate the shipment details for your request. Please verify your information and try again 

    later" It has been 5 days since I checked the tracking number. Nothing changed. I submitted the ticket and waiting. At least I have to wait 3 

    days don't I? I have read the comments. There are many issues about the customer service job. Apparently the customer service  does not

    dedicate to the customers. Why do I have to have hard time to deal with such an awesome gears. I do not want to be stressed out seriously.

    I did not want to whine about the customer service. Obviously there are some reason why they reply pretty late every single time. I have 

    never waited for 20 days without any explain. I know Fanatec products have good reputation. But I can not really say the customer service 

    has it. I wish I can get better customer service for getting other parts like wheel base,wheel,shift and so on for full system. 



  • Joseph GossenJoseph Gossen Member, Moderator
    edited December 2017
    @Brandon I can almost guarantee that it is sitting in customs awaiting inspection. This is not uncommon and Fanatec are very good at getting shipments out. I’ve been ordering for many many years and anytime there was a delay it was due to customs which is completely out of Fanatec and/or the postal services hands. This is also a very busy time. Have you seen any progress on Canada Post website? If not then it is definitely in inspection.
  • Fanatec please reply to messenger or complaint ticket. Thanks
  • Same thing today bid not accept hm !
  • Craig RobertsCraig Roberts Member
    edited December 2017
    Oh Man I am Slayed  X_X

    I pressed 2 seconds too soon.... :!!

    I would of liked that as a starter for my upgrade journey!

    Many congratulations to the winner =D>
  • @Brandon I can almost guarantee that it is sitting in customs awaiting inspection. This is not uncommon and Fanatec are very good at getting shipments out. I’ve been ordering for many many years and anytime there was a delay it was due to customs which is completely out of Fanatec and/or the postal services hands. This is also a very busy time. Have you seen any progress on Canada Post website? If not then it is definitely in inspection.
    @Joseph Thank you for the reply. It is a first time to be a member of Fanatec family. :)

    Now I understand what is going on there. On Dec 05, I have ordered a Rseat N1. I have received it on Dec 15. The delivery was quite fast. 

    Literally It was from EU. Anyways It seems that I have to be patient. By the way the carrier is UPS as far as I know.

    Take good cared of Racing!!
  • Joseph GossenJoseph Gossen Member, Moderator
    My pleasure. I also have the RSeat and they can expedite through customs much quicker since there are no electronics or moving mechanics . It’s a complicated process to understand ;)
  • Fanatec please answer my emails, it really is not much to ask from a customer
  • edited December 2017
  • Really interesting to see the difference that the changed price increment made. Where before you had to be online at the start of the auction and it was over in a matter of minutes with the 20 cent increments it took about an hour and it was much more a matter of figuring out at which price the reserve was set. Just one thing I would change now is that the reserve price is more random. As the reserve price is now set at 10% increments most people are waiting for those specific values to be met, when the price can be anything in-between 90% to 10%, so also 54%, 32% or 49%. The "game" would be much more interesting and exciting as everyone has another prediction of the actual price and thus the bidding rate at which bids are placed becomes much more linear instead of "wait for €96,-, no didn't had it, so wait again till it's at €144,-, no, continue to wait till €192,-, etc.".

    At least this changed price increment changed the auction for the better in my opinion.
  • I also just missed out by a sec or so on that lovely 96 euro clubsport flat. Not my week better not bother with a lotto ticket :)
  • edited December 2017
    Really interesting to see the difference that the changed price increment made. Where before you had to be online at the start of the auction and it was over in a matter of minutes with the 20 cent increments it took about an hour and it was much more a matter of figuring out at which price the reserve was set. Just one thing I would change now is that the reserve price is more random. As the reserve price is now set at 10% increments most people are waiting for those specific values to be met, when the price can be anything in-between 90% to 10%, so also 54%, 32% or 49%. The "game" would be much more interesting and exciting as everyone has another prediction of the actual price and thus the bidding rate at which bids are placed becomes much more linear instead of "wait for €96,-, no didn't had it, so wait again till it's at €144,-, no, continue to wait till €192,-, etc.".

    At least this changed price increment changed the auction for the better in my opinion.
    I think they may need to find more ways to stop cheater(s). In EU you have a few bundles of new user id's that are nearly sequential; voting all within a very close timeframe. Looks pretty suspicious.
  • Marino VicicMarino Vicic Member
    edited December 2017
    This how is now working with 0.20€ is best auction now takes longer. Now there is no need to change. And no one know how much is reserved price for item it can be 10% 20% 30% 40% .... this is interesting because you do not know how much is % you have only one time to bid and you have to decide how long to wait and when to bid maybe on 96€, maybe on 192€. Michael just understand yor idea is not good because you can not bid more than once. For example to know which reserved price is every day chance to buy product is 1/99. In this bid only need to have luck ! Today i think this hub be much more and i not bid on 96€ and ok good some other pearson is win today ^:)^
  • I like the process but here is another lousy experience I just encountered with the ClubSport Steering Wheel Flat 1.  I tried to put in a bid with under 1 min left but I got a return that said "Auction Closed"  \.

    I like what Fanatec is doing by giving everyone a chance but in the end it is not a fair process and they should not be holding these type of event when there are kinks in the process.

  • I like the process but here is another lousy experience I just encountered with the ClubSport Steering Wheel Flat 1.  I tried to put in a bid with under 1 min left but I got a return that said "Auction Closed"  \.

    I like what Fanatec is doing by giving everyone a chance but in the end it is not a fair process and they should not be holding these type of event when there are kinks in the process.

    It suggest that you should read the terms again. We revised them again to make it more clear how the auction works.
  • This how is now working with 0.20€ is best auction now takes longer. Now there is no need to change. And no one know how much is reserved price for item it can be 10% 20% 30% 40% .... this is interesting because you do not know how much is % you have only one time to bid and you have to decide how long to wait and when to bid maybe on 96€, maybe on 192€. Michael just understand yor idea is not good because you can not bid more than once. For example to know which reserved price is every day chance to buy product is 1/99. In this bid only need to have luck ! Today i think this hub be much more and i not bid on 96€ and ok good some other pearson is win today ^:)^
    Well, even though no one knows what the reserved price is for an item by now everyone should be aware that its always at a 10% increment. This means that everyone that really wants to win waits till one of those 9 values or waits till the end of the timer. For yesterdays auction those prices would have been €48, €96, €144, €192, €240, €288, €336, €384 and €432. We know that there are also many people that start bidding at any value just to get the bidding going, but with €0,20 increment per bid the number of bids it takes for the bidding to reach even €100 is very long. I don't think there are that many people who want to bid knowing their bid isn't going to win them anything. If however the price can be almost any number between €48,- and €432,- there will be many people who bid at all those smaller intervals and thus the bidding will continue as soon as it has reached the minimum €48,-.

    This way it becomes more difficult to know what the reserve price is, meaning that you could argue that your chance of winning decreases. However, as almost everyone bids at those specific prices the chance of winning no longer relies on your ability to guess the correct reserved price, but on the ability of you and your computer to communicate the correct bid earlier then anyone else. When the price can be anything the chance of winning comes down to guessing the correct price, with only a very small factor for how fast your computer can send the bid (probably less than a handful of people will bid at the same price instead of dozens if not hundreds).

    To me that would make it more of a fair game and as it also improves the rate at which people bid it would probably increase the excitement as it doesn't slow down as soon as one of those intervals mentioned earlier had been reached.
  • edited December 2017
    I like the process but here is another lousy experience I just encountered with the ClubSport Steering Wheel Flat 1.  I tried to put in a bid with under 1 min left but I got a return that said "Auction Closed"  \.

    I like what Fanatec is doing by giving everyone a chance but in the end it is not a fair process and they should not be holding these type of event when there are kinks in the process.

    It suggest that you should read the terms again. We revised them again to make it more clear how the auction works.

    Yes I read those rules if you are referring to the ones below.  

    1) I did not try to put in multiple bid.  It was my first bid with less than a minute to go.
    2) The winner did not met the reserve price so technically i should be able to put in a bid before time expires

    Instead, when I put a bid in, it got the message "Auction Closed" even though there was time left in the count down.
    I would like to know what rules i read that i didn't understand beside the definite gliches with this auction system.

    • Every day from Dec 1st to Dec 24th we will put one unit of one of our products or bundles on auction. - Understood
    • The starting price is 1€ on all those products. - Understood
    • The auction ends when the end time is reached or when the maximum price is reached. - Understood
    • An auction can be over in a few seconds if the secret target price is very low so please log-in in early and watch the auction from the start. - Understood
    • Each product will get a guaranteed discount between 10% and 90%. The exact end price is unknown to the bidder. - understood
    • A registered Fanatec user can only place ONE bid per day. The bid which reaches the maximum price or the last bid when the auction ends, wins. - Understood 
    • The placed bid is not a specific amount but an increment to the current bid. The increment is variable and can be seen during the auction. - understood
    • It is not allowed to create more than two customer accounts per household. - understood
    • The bids can be viewed in real time. It is not necessary to refresh the page. - understood
    • The auctions will start 18:00 CET and the duration is 2 hours. - understood
    • The bidder who reaches the maximum discount first, or who places the last bid before the end time of the auction will win the auction and will receive the product! -understood
    • The winner has 24 hours to make the purchase. Otherwise we reserve the right to give the next highest bidder the right to purchase the auctioned product. - understood
  • The way it was so far was ok but today i only have to say this bid how is now is not good ! Now this is boring and it does not make any sense... It's easier to click buy now more expensive but at least we do not waste time for nothing !
  • Since bidding started every day I sit next to the PC and tried to win some of your product. It was interesting and tense bidding because they knew what discounts were, but it still had to be guessed what percentage this day would be on that product. If it was difficult to win some product, I could not win anything but at least I had the assumptions. When you set the new rules to 0.20 € per bid and changed the percentage of wins this is not the same story. It is now impossible to win the bid, and I think it makes no sense. It is not fun more. :(
  • I like the process but here is another lousy experience I just encountered with the ClubSport Steering Wheel Flat 1.  I tried to put in a bid with under 1 min left but I got a return that said "Auction Closed"  \.

    I like what Fanatec is doing by giving everyone a chance but in the end it is not a fair process and they should not be holding these type of event when there are kinks in the process.

    It suggest that you should read the terms again. We revised them again to make it more clear how the auction works.

    Yes I read those rules if you are referring to the ones below.  

    1) I did not try to put in multiple bid.  It was my first bid with less than a minute to go.
    2) The winner did not met the reserve price so technically i should be able to put in a bid before time expires

    Instead, when I put a bid in, it got the message "Auction Closed" even though there was time left in the count down.
    I would like to know what rules i read that i didn't understand beside the definite gliches with this auction system.

    • Every day from Dec 1st to Dec 24th we will put one unit of one of our products or bundles on auction. - Understood
    • The starting price is 1€ on all those products. - Understood
    • The auction ends when the end time is reached or when the maximum price is reached. - Understood
    • An auction can be over in a few seconds if the secret target price is very low so please log-in in early and watch the auction from the start. - Understood
    • Each product will get a guaranteed discount between 10% and 90%. The exact end price is unknown to the bidder. - understood
    • A registered Fanatec user can only place ONE bid per day. The bid which reaches the maximum price or the last bid when the auction ends, wins. - Understood 
    • The placed bid is not a specific amount but an increment to the current bid. The increment is variable and can be seen during the auction. - understood
    • It is not allowed to create more than two customer accounts per household. - understood
    • The bids can be viewed in real time. It is not necessary to refresh the page. - understood
    • The auctions will start 18:00 CET and the duration is 2 hours. - understood
    • The bidder who reaches the maximum discount first, or who places the last bid before the end time of the auction will win the auction and will receive the product! -understood
    • The winner has 24 hours to make the purchase. Otherwise we reserve the right to give the next highest bidder the right to purchase the auctioned product. - understood
    Apparently the one you're not understanding is the one that says the auction is for 2 hours unless the reserved price is met. It does not matter what the countdown timer says, if the reserved price is met then the auction is closed so apparently you wanted one bid too long.
  • Marino VicicMarino Vicic Member
    edited December 2017
    Few last days i seen all this items from advent on ebay on bidding ! Very sad to see how people look at everything to make money. When i buy somthing like black friday or bid on this advent i dont want sell and make money i just want more sim racing parts in my collection !
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