Buttons etc Suggestion

Its great that the new wheels comes with buttons that you can put a new symbol or color on but sadly not enough numbers.

Take F1@2019 and it would be so helpful to have the numbers for all the buttons because the numbers appear and bugger if I can remember which is which.

Would be good to have numbers on 2 different backgounds like black on orange or red as well as normal white on black from 1 -12 .

Also it would be good to have an option if you press a button the number will appear on the led screen.  Thankfully I have buttons 1 to 4 which help a lot but not spending as much time driving and its hard to remember when I jump back on


  • Not only numbers. Most common buttons like PTT/Radio, N, P. There is only one button for lights but many games have implemented two functions of lights (flasher/permanent). PIT request and in every simulator some cars do not start without START and IGN ition buttons assigned.
  • Actually a lot of things they could do..hey I would pay $ for a nice set with numbers or they could go the F1 route and make a custom set for say to mirror the F1 cars.....and to to remove the insane licencing fees just call from set 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 and people select what they want

    Not much money in it for Fanny but people may like them
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