
3 weeks ago a friend bought me a CSL Elite Steering Wheel P1 for Xbox One USA. He had fanatec ship it directly to my house and it arrived with a issue. Didn't work. Tried a friends BMW steering wheel and it worked so I was able to diagnose it as a wheel. Since it was bought under friends account he started the return process and sent me the RMA number. I sent back the wheel. For some reason Fanatec decide to send my replacement wheel to some guy in PA. My friend and I both saw what was happening and tried to head it off but no luck. Fanatec refused to listen. The friend who bought me the wheel finally contacted Fanatec and instead of stopping the shipment they decide to have it held in PA at the nearest Fed Ex facility for me to pick up. Problem is I live in California and my address is where Fanatec was asked to ship the wheel to. Plus the wheel is being held under some other persons name. Now neither of us are getting decent responses (they refuse to talk to me at all) and are not sure what our next step should be. I've never dealt with such a hard headed company before. Especially one that was told they were shipping a product to the wrong address, continued to do so and now won't communicate. I'm out a wheel and my buddy is out close to $200 and I have a useless to me v2.5 base. I have emails to me and my friend to prove what I'm saying.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?