CSL Elite Wheel base with Clubsport steering wheel formula v2

Hey Ive been using the CSL Elite wheel base with my clubsport steering wheel formula v2 steering wheel for a little while now. It has worked perfectly. Ive been playing f1 2019 on my Ps4 and everything worked. A couple days ago I got f1 2020 on the Xbox and my wheel and base have been weird. My wheelbase when switched to Xbox mode will freeze 9/10 times and it takes a while for it to start to work. Just today It got worse and now the wheel wont finish calibrating. The wheel spins to the right and then to the left and comes back to the starting position, but the lights on the base never finish. They go yellow to red, but never get to blue anymore. Then the light above the power button just starts to fade and flash slowly. I have no idea what to do or what is wrong. Help would be appreciated

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