CSL Elite Wheelbase - DOA?

Howdy all,
Just received and unboxed my CSL elite wheelbase. Plugged in and nothing, no lights, no movement. Blue light on the power brick. Tested with more than one USB cable. Won't even detect it on the PC. Tried holding in the Power button, pressing the mode button. Nothing. Any suggestions - or do i simply log a support call via the website?
That's brutal, sorry to hear. Had the same base arrive last week and power brick died after a couple days, filed a ticket online and had to send photo proof of it plugged in and no light. I'd recommend doing the same and sending a video showing the issue, it takes time for them to respond but they've been good and I see a shipping label was created for the new part even if it hasn't shipped for a few days. I'm sure they'll make it right.