ClubSport Steering Wheel Universal Hub button mapping

I am new to Fanatec and the ClubSport Steering Wheel Universal Hub
I am noticing that not all the buttons seem to be responding when pushing them. Only a few of them.
How do I map and activate all the buttons on the Universal wheel hub?
I think you are using driver 365 with Firmware 672?
If so, then please read the known issues of that driver and then go back to a different driver and firmware and your UHX Buttons will all work again :)
Is downgrading drivers safe? I wouldn't want to 'brick' my wheel base now..
Seems to be safe - they even talk about it in the driver manual if I recall.
What I've read is that you uninstall the old drivers, then reboot.
Then install the new drivers, I believe you need to reboot again here.
Then go into the Update tab of the driver, and Click the button to update the base firmware.
you'll get a message about the version being older, choose ok.
repeat with the wheel base motor firmware.
then you should be good to go.
It is safe, I did it a couple of times already, nothing to worry about :)