Podium Advanced Paddle Module loosen screws

I got my Fanatec DD1 + Clubsport V2 + Pedals V3 and PAPM 2 something around 2 months so far. I'm not a hardcore race driver, I barely race more than 2/3 hours a week and I just got into a serius problem with my Podium Advanced Paddle Module. Two weeks ago I was racing and all of sudden the Podium Advanced Paddle Module simplely felt from the right side of the wheel (up gears). In the begging I thought was a loosen screw (not too tight) but last night It felt again from the Wheel and I started to investigate the issue.
I just find out that no matter what screw provided from Fanatec I use the top right hole on the right side of the Wheel keeps the screew loose. Thre's 2 links to videos showing what's happening cause at this point I have no idea what it is and It's impossible to race while the left paddle molude keeps deataching from the wheel. It's not rocket science at all, actually it's very simple to attached the PAP module with the screws but something is not right.
Couple solutions I've tried:
- Use all 6 (six) screws provided by Fanatec. They all work on the other holes but all of them keeps spinning loose on the specfic one
- Move the wires to the designated area in between screw holes
Like I said the screw keeps spinning loose and there's nothing I can do to fix it.
Appreciate the support!
I would buy a bolt that is about 5 millimeters longer than the original and would try it in this hole (but first consult with Fanatec support as this may void your warranty). If this does not help then the thread is damaged.
Seems like you might have stripped something?
If I remember right, when I put mine on I removed the existing paddles and the two screws each that were on them and set all that aside, then put in the new paddles and used the screws that came with the paddle set.
That's a great idea Marlon! I will have to order some of that!
Loctite won't help if the screw isn't threading in the first place.
Mine keep coming loose all 4 bolts simultaneously but the threads are definitely not stripped it’s strange , it takes a good while before it happens so not a major issue but still not ideal , my problem is with the advanced paddle module both shifters become loose after some time