Podium Button Module Endurance not showing in Fanatec Wheel Properties

Hi, I have a ClubSport Wheel base V2.5, Universal hub for xbox, and Podium Button Module Endurance. I have tried to follow the setup video / instructions to get this working, but the PBME just shows the Fanatec logo on the display an none of the buttons work. Additionally, the "Fanatec Wheel Property Page" doesn't show the PBME at all (the logo is for the ClubSport Universal Hub for Xbox One), and doesn't offer any way to update its firmware.
I'm using PC driver 356, and have updated to Wheel Base Firmware 669. It also shows Wheel Base Motor Firmware 22.
It seems pretty clear that the system doesn't think the PBME is connected. Where did I go wrong in setting this up? Or is it possible that the PBME is defective?
Try the latest beta driver/firmware
The BME was made compatible with the CSW V2.5 only 6 days ago with the recent driver 373.
Your driver 356 is half a year old where the BME was not compatible with the CSW yet, therefore it's not working.
So update to driver 373 and flash the firmware, then it will work (in unofficial beta support, there still can be issues which you should report in the forum if you experience them)
I see, thank you, I must have missed the fact that it wasn't actually a supported combination of parts yet. But the good news is that the beta drivers appear to be working so far!
Scott have the same hub and base you do. Where you able to get the Podium Button Module Endurance fully working buttons and LED with your setup? Debating about getting the Podium Button Module Endurance also.
Everything should be working, at least it does with me (same configuration)
By now yes, back when OP opened the thread a year ago also yes but OP used a 2 year old driver where it was not possible.
So not an issue anymore, dont know where and why you grabbed this thread from the death...😅
Probably due to my age 😁 but funny to get a response here very quick and no proper response on very alive topics like the button support on Xbox