F1 2020 LE on XboxOne

Hia all I have the steering wheel on object,
and work well into my DD2 on PC plattform but i need to use on the xbox one and csw 2.5
is it possible to make it work on this platform too?
Hia all I have the steering wheel on object,
and work well into my DD2 on PC plattform but i need to use on the xbox one and csw 2.5
is it possible to make it work on this platform too?
Only the regular Formula v2 wheel is xbox compatible.
why this choice since they are practically identical?
Will compatibility be expanded in the future?
Limited Editions always were not Xbox compatible, because every licence costs money and raises the price of the product.
LE versions of that wheel most likely never will be xbox compatible.
ok I understand, but I am disappointed because the LE costs much more than the V2 which is compatible with all platforms
Only because it has the ClubSport Magnetic Paddle Module included, hence the price diff. Previous LE versions had the same price as the regular V2 (which is a fair price for a LE version which is sold for over 800$ on eBay ...)