Is this normal for the CSW V2.5? (Lock to lock end stops)
When the wheel is off and I rotate it to the end points of travel, I feel the mechanical resistance start at a different point when turning to the left vs the right (turns more to the right than to the left). When the wheel is on, however, soft-lock stops it at a similar point when turning to the right as the left. Is this normal for this model, or does my base have a defect (error during assembly or something)?
Pics showing points at which I'm feeling mechanical resistance:
Video of wheel calibration that corresponds with what I am feeling
I'll check this later for you, but, maybe try turning the wheel when in game and see if the lock is correct in game?
The software lock in game is working appropriately. This difference in endstop resistance between the left and the right side is something I can feel even when the wheel is turned off, so it is definitely hardware based.
Ok, just checked mine and when it is turned off it turns and locks slighty more to the right than it does to the left. My lock works correctly in game, so i don't think this is anything to worry about and probs has something to do with the way the hardware works internally.
Ok great, thanks for getting back to me Cliff, I appreciate your help!
No worries and enjoy. Loving this wheel base....!