What happened to the CSL Elite P1 for Xbox One Steering Wheel

I have been looking at buying a Fanatec full setup and had decided 2 days ago to get the CSL Elite V1.1 and CSL Elite P1 for XBox One Steering Wheel; however, the wheel suddenly showed up out of stock, then the next day was removed from the site. Does anyone know what's going on there? The lowest price wheel listed now is $299 instead of $169 for the P1 Elite. Any information would be helpful. I had emailed, FB messaged, and tried calling the California number, but have had no response in 72 hours. Thanks.
Maybe out of stock and not returning in it’s current form.
Maybe it will be replaced by the WRC wheel teaser that will be available later this year.
You might want to hold off, I just got my csl elite with the Xbox p1 steering wheel , the wheel is now discontinued and it won’t work properly, I downloaded the latest drivers and it just errors a 8 on the wheel and spins back and forth indefinitely. Very disappointed with the product and more so with not being able to contact someone to help with it, you have to call at1:30 am due to the company being in Germany. Worst 850 dollars I have ever spent. I should have gone with the thrustmaster! I’m just hoping they don’t try to pull some crap and not refund me, or give me the run around. I have only had this thing for 2 days, I even ordered their pedals next day to make sure it wasn’t a conflict issue. tried forums and YouTube, nothing. Definitely not German quality like festools I’m used to.
Website now says it (P1 wheel) is out of stock and no pre-orders are being accepted. Looks like the P1 wheel is no more.
Luckily i ordered mine a few days before it disappeared off the website and now have it in hand. Unfortunately my CSL V1.1 wheel base was DOA, but at least they still make that. Trying to get an RMA for that now. No response yet but it has only been a day since I emailed. I am going to try the combo without updating the driver first. It seems like the driver update may be problematic.
I had a Forza CSR Elite wheel and pedals before this. They have worked flawlessly for quite a few years and still do. Still planning on using those pedals with the new wheel base and wheel.
UPDATE: Received an email issuing an RMA a day later, and 2 days after that specific instructions as to how to return the nonfunctional base. That is pretty decent response from Tech Support under the current circumstances. I did, however, make sure my original email had very specific detail in it as to exactly what I did, and what the wheel base's reactions were to each for those actions. Perhaps that was the difference.......