V2 Wheel Settings Question

Hi to all, I have just purchased a V2 wheel, I have downloaded beta V373 from the forum.

My question is do I definitely have the latest wheel driver?

Only I watched Boosted Media uTube video on his setting up wheel tutorial, his settings are

different to mine, I have F.EFF.INT, BLI and MPS Function, which he doesn’t have?

When I click on update driver, the message says you have the latest driver.

Can someone please confirm that I don’t have an older driver version, and the above function

settings are the right ones shown with the V2 wheel please

Thankyou for any help 👍


  • He made the video with older drivers, you are on the newer and in fact newest driver.

    BTW, never trust what the driver says when you click on update check button because all it checks is if you have installed the included firmwares, it does not check if there is a newer driver available.

  • Thanks for that Maurice, it sounds like I have the latest settings with the V2 wheel, I still don’t really know? I definitely have the latest wheelbase and wheel drivers, so it must be correct. Just can’t find any info with the BLI settings on the web regarding the wheel?

  • I have found out that the BLI setting replaces ABS, so now I am getting somewhere 👍

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