F1 Wheel Options?

I'm currently using a 911 GT3 Cup suede rim, podium hub, APM and BME with a DD1 base. Pedals v3 and the H shifter, which I suppose aren't relevant here.

Anyway, I'm thinking about getting a second rim for open wheel racing, but I'm not sure which way to go. I don't really want to have to take everything apart to use the podium gear, but I don't want to buy anything twice either.

Any advice? Maybe just go with the stock ClubSport F V2? I'm guessing that would be more than good enough for anything I'd be doing with it, probably F1 2020 vs. AI. I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that I could just swap that in on the DD1 between Sims and be good to go.



  • I'm not sure to correctly understand your question, but a formula V2 (I strongly advice to take the APM option, especially if you're used to it) will be a perfect complement to your 911 GT3 wheel.

  • Thanks. I think I'll go with that.

  • I'm currently using the same stuff: Podium GT3 with Endurance Module + the Clubsport F1 wheel from my DD1 PS4 bundle

    It's a perfect combination for all things of racing, despite one little issue: The GT3 wheel is approx. 45 mm deeper than the F1 wheel, probably the depth of the Endurance module.

    Means, it will compromise your seating position, if your base is fix to a rig.... Until now, I've found no solution despite unscrewing and moving my DD mount everytime I change the wheel.

  • Useful information, all the clubsport wheels and the Mclaren have the same depth, the difference should come from the endurance module or the podium hub.

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