DD2 Dead :( Has anyone gotten a replacement sent out before?

Powered down my DD2 regularly yesterday to go buy new pedals. Got home and couldn't install them without some washers so I waited until today. Got everything all setup finally and sit down to try everything out and my DD2 is dead. After some research, it looks like it will be a power brick issue as the green light won't turn on.

I'm very active on reddit and locally (SoCal) area and have pushed Fanatec down the throats of many of my friends and countless people on Reddit. I joke with some friends that I've become the SoCal Fanatec support line. I've never had to deal with customer service because outside of regular maintenance, I've never had any issues. I'm really hoping Fanatec customer service comes through though. I've heard many times that people have had unpleasant experiences with it but I'm hoping it goes smoothly as I'd like to continue to push for more people to join the Fanatec club. It's disappointing that the negative side of lots of companies customer service offerings usually outshine peoples positive experiences so I'm hoping this will be a success story rather than a negative one.

I've read that the power brick is included in the warranty and also heard that it isn't so I'm really curious to see what happens. I'll be pretty disappointed if I have to pay $150 or whatever they cost after spending this type of money on a product that is 13 months old (among the other thousands of dollars over the past year and a half.) Does anyone have first hand experience with this? Did you get a replacement sent for free or did you have to buy it?

I'll stop back in here when the issue is resolved and let people know how it goes in case someone else has an issue such as this in the future.


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