Will the Mclaren GT3 steering wheel return?

Hello, anyone knows if in the flyer catalog will return the model Mclaren GT3 or some new similar and when??
Thanks a lot.
Carles Trullàs.
Hello, anyone knows if in the flyer catalog will return the model Mclaren GT3 or some new similar and when??
Thanks a lot.
Carles Trullàs.
There has been no recent updates on the McLaren GT3. It will be posted here first as soon as there are any new details.
I would also love to know, if there is comming something in the near future or better buy the Formula V2 instead?
Maybe a hint fanatec? Thanks :)
There seems to definitely be a demand for this wheel. I would LOVE to see an upgraded Mclaren wheel. I have one, it's my daily driver.
Use carbon fiber face, put vibrations motors in it, make it more stout, with magnetic shifters and I'd by it again in a heart beat.....even at $350-400.
I've seen one on eBay last month was sold for 330€, very popular wheel indeed 😓
I bet it was not a hardware issue but licencing issue. In addition to that Thrustmaster sells out (gives a huge discount) Ferrari stuff. I bet they will run out of licence soon, or licence was offered to someone else. I think McLareen will became a white whale and soon we will see Ferrari GT3 wheel.
Nice point of view, pretty clever: didn't thought of a licence issue but it could be an answer to this mystery.
But, thrustmaster and ferrari are working together since...last century (I got my firt ferrari force feedback wheel for christmas 2000, sold under the guillemot brand for at least a year, later it used the thrustmaster brand). It would be very surprising to see ferrari stop this collaboration, thrustmaster is a big player in this market, selling huge volumes, but why not? Contracts are not eternals.
When I see the price of used mclaren GT3 wheels here in France, it's insane people sell it at least à 250€, most of the time 300€ or more. I bought mine almost new at 150€, it was the best investment in my life, next year I will be able to trade it for a DD2 base.😎