Pédales csl élite non reconnues

Marguier LeoMarguier Leo Member
edited December 2020 in Pedals


j’ai la csl élite wheel base+, les pédales csl élite et le club sport steering wheel formula v2. Je suis sur Xbox one. Les mises à jour de la base et du volant sont faites mais les pédales ne sont pas reconnues. Lorsque j’installe l’ensemble sur ma Xbox, les pédales ne fonctionnent pas. J’ai commander l’adaptateur que je dois recevoir demain mais je ne suis pas certain que cela va résoudre le problème. Qui peut m’aider? Merci

I have the csl elite wheel base +, the csl elite pedals and the club sport steering wheel formula v2. I am on Xbox one. Updates to the base and steering wheel are made but the pedals are not recognized. When I install the set on my Xbox, the pedals don't work. I ordered the adapter which I should receive tomorrow but I am not sure that will solve the problem. Who can help me? Thank you


  • edited December 2020

    Tu devrais rediger ton message en anglais. Deja que le service a la clientele de Fanatec est merdique en anglais alors bonne chance pour qu'ils te repondent en francais... J'aurais bien voulu t'aider, mais malheureusement j'attend encore apres ma commande :/

    You should write your message in English. Fanatec's customer service is already crappy in English so good luck getting them to answer you in French ... I would have liked to help you, but unfortunately I'm still waiting after my order: /

  • This forum is English only, so that other members can also read, help and learn from your questions and answers. Please use an online translator if necessary.

  • You might have to update the pedals separately via USB on a PC. To update my v3 pedals I have to do it via USB. And the adapter is only for PC. You should only connect the pedal to the wheel base via RJ12 cable.

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