McLaren GT3 V2 what is the minimal driver version required?

As the title says. I need to know since which drivers McLaren v2 wheel is supported?
Or in other words - will it work on DD2 with drivers 381 (and included in 381 firmwares)?
As the title says. I need to know since which drivers McLaren v2 wheel is supported?
Or in other words - will it work on DD2 with drivers 381 (and included in 381 firmwares)?
you need atleast Driver 400, which is driver 402 now.
If memory serves me correct. I think the first driver for McLaren V2 was 381.
Edit: Yes memory serves me correct. It was introduced in December with driver 381. It is also shown on the video guide of the wheel and also makes sense because product released in December when in December was driver 381 out as well.
I'm using 381 with my McLaren v2 and DD1.
I currently use 381 with my podium porsche and have memories that I have tested newer drivers and had issues and rolled back to 381.
Today is my mclaren v2 is arriving and that is why I asked, because I dont want to use newer drivers :)
I am reporting back. McLaren v2 received and tested with ACC. It is working fine with drivers 381.