Limited Edition ClubSport Steering Wheel F1® 2020 coming soon!

in Blog
Much like the previous two years, we are celebrating our ongoing partnership with Formula 1 by launching a new, limited edition steering wheel. In 2018 we revealed the gold-accented F1® 2018 wheel, which introduced the new-generation features now found in our ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2. Last year, we went for a bright silver theme, can you guess what’s next?
We’re really excited to show you this one, as it not only looks incredible, but it includes some new technology and new materials as well. The wheel will be available on our website in all regions on Thursday May 14th, at 3PM CET. The wheel is restricted to 2020 units worldwide; you don’t want to miss this!
Very curious how it will look. Maybe Orange this time?
Not sure how but I got an advertisement for this on YouTube earlier today (just randomly while watching unrelated stuff). Saw the colour and some very cool changes to the wheel. I won't spoil it for anyone, but consider me keen for the official announcement 😁
Clubsport? Why not podium?
Perfect,new wheel released on my birthday 🎂 Thanks Fanatec
Available on the website unfortunately doesnt mean released and directly available.. I could also think its a pre-order with delivery when the F1 2020 game launches in July... But anyway ofc its a nice surprise on your birthday :)
Over excited, I will just have to get my name down quickly.
Maybe its black..
Maybe it has a orange QR
and maybe it has a simplyfied magnetic shifter
Nice, but how about getting the porsche wheel with BME working with the 2.5CSW first?
when are new beta drivers finally coming ... It's getting boring
It's in internal beta testing according to a reddit post so it won't take much longer.
Hello Fanatec, great news and thank you for this!
Can't wait!!! I really hope you can surprise us with it being compatible on all 3 platforms ( PC / XBOX / PS4 ).
I would hate to think you would exclude any one of these 3 race communities to miss out and not be able to enjoy/buy this wheel because it will not work for their platform they simrace/compete with;)
Why would compatibility be a surprise when the past V2 wheels were XBox and Win10 licensed? PS4 compatibility is bulit into the base, so it's on you to have the proper wheelbase for the PS4.
Hi William, thanks for the reply.
Not necessarily the case. If I'm not mistaken, for the last 2 years, the 2019 & 2018 Limited edition F1 wheels by Fanatec were only PS4/PC compatible, like the older Porsche 918 RSR and BMW GT2 wheels. Scenario/example: So whether you had a PS4 or XBOX Fanatec wheelbase, you still could not use the wheel on XBOX racing games. It would not work and not be compatible for XBOX users.
Hopefully FANATEC will improve this 2020 Limited Edition F1 wheel better than the previous ones and more compatabilty-friendly, like the current Clubsport Steering Wheel Formula V2. It will make this so more racers and customers can buy/enjoy the wheel!;)
I feel like I know how the wheel will look like
Good find orange with forged carbon fiber and perforated leader grips.
So, Very cool . xoxoxoxoxoxo
It is very painful to know that Xbox does not share the codes so that the wheels of Fanatec work with all its buttons and commands and even more painful that the LEDs on the wheel do not work and all because of Microsoft, I hope that Fanatec can solve this with them.
Thx Fanatec perfect timing, i wanted to buy the Formula V2 Wheel today.
Now I saw this cool information i hope i can grab one, 14th may is my birthday.. wish me luck 😉
This is all I'm waiting for too from Fanatec, oh and another GT3 rim 😀
This new wheel looks very nice though. I wonder if we'll ever see an official F1 replica from Fanatec???
Suggestion: Podium F1 wheel with 4,3" central display with a price range < 1000,- - nothing like this on the market right now, would be a killer argument for Fanatecs DD...
As long as I can set the gear number to the on-wheel display in F1 20xx on PS4 I'm happy. Making the display bigger would be a bonus, like the F1 ESports.
its fully up to the game developer how they implement the Display into their games. So, you need to ask Codemasters to change the display to gear instead of speed and maybe, if enough people ask them to do so, they maybe eventually do that but this is nothing Fanatec has in its hands.
My hope is it is a little big wider, Will have to wait until the 14th.
Most likely will have the very same 27cm size.
OK, I'm happy for a new wheel. but how long do we have to wait for an driver official with 0 bugs for the PODIUM DD familiy
Here's my guess...
Only have interest in it if it's bigger than my V2, if its wider ill go for it as the V2 and my DD2 is uncomfortable so had to get the Porsche wheel.
Very unlikely that it will be any different in size, so it most likely will have the same 27cm as the other wheels, wouldnt make much sense for them to change size for this wheel as this would lead to increased production cost because they couldnt use the tooling machines with the "old" and known data anymore.
no way I'm going to get this one I hate corona I know least I've got my life even tho I lost my job because of corona I'm out of work and I can't see me getting another job before this goes out of stock so that's me out 😭 I don't even want to see it now absolutely gutted