Maximum torque Mclaren wheel V2 with plastic QR

Hello guys!
I had to send my formula V2 wheel back to Fanatec and got a Mclaren GT3 wheel to use while it doesn’t come back.
Since I didn’t want to spend the extra money to get the clubsport QR since (hopefully) I’ll use it for a few months only, I’m trying to figure out what is the maximum torque I can use with it on my DD1. I know I can only use it on low torque mode, but how much is that actually? 5nm? 8nm? (By the way I even took the torque key out of the wheel base)
I put 100% FFB on Fanalabs and 8nm on iRacing, but I’m feeling it way to light. To me it feels much lighter than the CSW 2.5 base I had before.
Low Torque is around 9Nm.
Thanks for the reply, man
so if it’s 9nm, why do I feel it so weak? To me it feels like 5 nm or even less. Is there any different settings I should use on iRacing or Fanalabs?
I believe I use it normally at 11/12 nm. Of course it can always be just me being used to something higher, but I’m not sure. Shouldn’t feel SO different
did you change the FFB strength or just left it as it was with a metal QR? Obviously low torque at 50% is weaker than high torque 50%
I left the Fanalabs FFB strength on 100% and just changed it on iRacing from 20 nm to 8 nm.
You also.have to adjust the Strength/Max Force setting, not only the Wheel Force Setting. Also Wheel Force, as said, is more around 9-10Nm, not 8.