My PS5 Settings - ACC + Fanatec CSL ELITE

Hi all, new here and came from previously racing Project Cars 2 many moons ago on my PS4 Pro and recently got a new rig, PS5 and set it up with ACC. Well first off........ACC is BY FAR the best racing sim around....WOW. I'm so impressed by it. Even if I'm only playing it on console and not PC. Took a bit to get things setup properly and get the settings juuuuust right. Now I can get into any car in the game and all I have to change is the SEN (in both the game and on my Wheel) and I can enjoy each cars' different driving characteristics. I initially got really frustrated not being able to find great settings and hopefully this helps someone out there with the same setup as me :)
Fanatec CSL Elite Settings:
SEN: Car Specific
FF: 100
SHO: 100
ABS: 95
DRI: -01
FOR: 100
SPR: 110
DPR: 100
BRF: User Pref
FEI: 100
ACC Tuning Menu:
Steer Lock: Car Specific (match to SEN)
Gain: 75
Min Force: 3
Dynamic Damping: 100
Road Effects: 20
**NOTE: I went into the PS5 settings and also changed the output from 4K to 1080p and turned HDR "off." It made a WORLD of difference in the quality of the game graphics.**
My rig is the Next Level Racing F-GT. CSL Elite F1 wheel and CSL Pedals (soon to be V3!!!!!).
I used to be a test driver back in the day and used to race as well (both sponsored by Honda and BMW).
These settings come SUPER close to the actual driving experience. I NEED MOTION MAN!!#!#!@#!@#@!#
Feel free to ask me questions moving forward :)
Thanks for your input. Wondering how you mapped the f1 steering wheel to get the most out of the game. I have the F1 Esports wheel so it doesn't have as many toggle switches but i'm finding it difficult to set the MFD and TC and ABS with the buttons available.