How to make Fanatec to work with Forza Horizon 5

A user over at the Forza Horizon 5 forum (bauperle) just found out earlier how to make the game not crash with Fanatec equipment.
Seems like rolling back to driver v346 makes everything work fine.
I've tried this myself also, rolling back from v427 beta, and can confirm that the DD with CSL pedals now works fine. Playing around 1-2 hours no crashing at all.
If the fault lies in the newer drivers or the the game, I don't know. But until there's a patch or new drivers that works, this is a good way to scratch that FH5 itch.
How did you find the older drivers? All I can find is 415 and I've tried that 421 and 427 and had issues.
Nevermind just found them but jeeze a driver from 2019? Did you have to roll back any of the firmwares on your gear for it to work?
Yeah super old drivers, but no need to roll back the firmware.
I have firmware from the v427 driver, so if this will work rolling back from a different version with older firmware, I don't know.
Feel free to experiment with newer drivers, but I'm content at the moment just making it work until new drivers or an update to Forza is released.
This is the driver I used:
Hello, thanks for the tip, I installed version 356 so that my Fanalab app still works. I haven't had a freeze for 3 hours.
Yes, I can confirm that it works with driver 356 without having to downgrade the firmware
Seems a fix may be coming that hopefully avoids doing this.
A patch is available now, it was mentioned on the in-game messages board that wheel issues have been addressed. Let's hope it will work for us now.
Fanatec wheel issues are not fixed with this patch, still crashing.
I can can confirm v356 is still the only way to avoid crash. I hope Fanatec will release an update so we can play on latest
If you roll back the driver, does it affect other games, like iracing etc.?
Horizon was working great until I updated the driver a few weeks ago. It's a fun game. But, I don't want to risk my other sims.
I originally had a hard time figuring out how to do this at first as I didn't know what people meant by downgrading the driver. However, I found this video that walked me through the process. Thought I would share here in case it helps someone else with the same issue.