GT DD Pro is in stock and ready for immediate shipment

Mass production of the Gran Turismo DD Pro is underway, and we’re doing everything we can to ensure that the first batches arrive in time for Gran Turismo 7 in March 2022, despite the extended shipping times currently affecting global sea freight.
At the same time, we knew that many customers would like to receive a GT DD Pro before Christmas, so we are offering a limited number of ‘Express Versions’ that have been sent from our production facilities in China to our regional warehouses using air freight. This is an expensive shipping option but is the only way to bypass the delays at the ports. The first units have already arrived in EU, AU, and JP regions (you’ll see the product page now says ‘Available’ and ‘Ready to ship’ - some customers even received theirs today) and will be ready to ship from the US warehouse on Monday. All Gran Turismo DD Pro Express orders placed so far will ship by next week.
If you order the Express Version right now, we are confident that you will receive the unit by Christmas (all regions). We will make adjustments to the information on the product page when this is no longer possible.
For those receiving units already, we've just posted our Video Manual to guide you through the initial setup:
Let us know if you find these videos helpful!
Further information can be found in the written product manual, available in the Downloads section of the product page.
We’ll also be offering a GT DD Pro unit as a giveaway, keep an eye out on socials this weekend!
And last but not least: All CSL DDs with boost kit which have been pre-ordered up to this date have been produced and are on the way by sea freight to our global logistic centers. Shipping still takes much longer than usual but we try hard to keep the dates which were promised to you when you placed the order. Please note that the current shipping dates are only relevant for new orders. As you can see in numerous posts from happy customers, we are constantly shipping out this product. There is a shortage on the power supplies for the 5Nm version but we hope to solve that by middle of next year.
Wow, This is good news and I hope my order will be process soon. I live in Canada in the East Coast and can't wait to play with my
new Gran Turismo DD Pro Express Version without the 8Nm.
Fanatec (number: 1361202) on Nov 26, 2021 at 14:32.
Just want to share that this was a perfect blog/news update, nice work on this. It gives clarity, sets expectations and it’s great news for all of us that have place or plan to place orders for the holidays. Thank you! I am really excited to receive my DD Pro express, 3 wheels, club sport pedals w/upgrades, boost kit and SQ 1.5 shifter in time for Christmas!
Great news! Do you expect the normal deliveries to come earlier than the expected date (March)? I live in The Netherlands if that helps.
Great news...thanks for the transparency on this. Been looking for updates to my Express order and now I know I should get it soon. Can't wait to try direct drive finally!
Good News !!!!!
Today December 6 2021, received and email this morning saying my rig was in the warehouse in USA .
So I should get more news when UPS take my box, hopefully will get it in 2 weeks ; )
thanks Fanatec
"transparency"... "Great News".. "Before Christmas"..?? What about us who ordered the CSL DD and have been delayed delayed delayed.. Nothing but a Date. Can we get some updated information on availability.. estimated time of arrival.. stock.. I mean anything would be nice.
no kidding. I think it's a joke that this is transparent when they send notice orders are delayed because its stuck on the ship waiting to clear the port when the new update makes it sound like all the orders since the last shipment are just now being placed on the boat and shipped. Seems more like a bit of mixed messaging. and not clear at all. I also think that its crazy that they know sea shipments are a bit of an issue and instead of giving the users a choice on being able to pay more to have their product sent via air freight they would only offer it on specialized one off orders where they are still charging more.... I think its more that they can't keep up with production and didn't have enough units to sell but don't want to stop taking customers money. at least thats the feeling I get.
bonsoir, j recu mas command hier k etait prevu pour le 07/12..... j suis tres content e surpris part la livraison rapid...... bon courage a tous
What about the new CSL DD when can we expect them?
If the export arrives earlier at the warehouse in Europe, will it be shipped before the 14th of March?
In transit since December 11 and no news
i am so happy i am not the only one dealing with this. no one has answered or gotten back with real information. i dropped a lot of money on 4 separate orders and everything else got here that was expected to. i thought we were guaranteed to get these items before Christmas after reading the original post about the 8nm CSL DD. is there any update that anyone knows of?
What are the chances of Fanatec shipping the DD Pro GT pre-orders without express shipping before March? My boost pack is due for delivery tomorrow, but no word on my load cell pedal or the DD Pro.
Nobody knows.
There is just no communication. Everyone is waiting for their products and no word from Fanatec. Just cashing for pre orders but no delivery's! Great, I think a new wheel is allready developed when I receive mine! Fanatec, thanks for the transparancy....
If you pre-ordered then it will be shipped in March as shown on the webshop page and in your order.
That's all you need to know, nothing else needs to be communicated.
Hi all,
in 2019 I started with this - somehow branded - piggy bank.
I thought it would be a good idea to empty it on my 50th birthday.
There are only a few days left and I will place my preorder. Sorry, according to this thread not for the GT DD pro but for this one:
Now it's time to involve my wife in this crucial plan...
Bonjour , j 'ai commandé hier soir un fanatec dd pro mais pas en précommande,avec une roue McLaren.
Sur le statut de la commande le DD GT pro est en stock, la roue McLaren aussi , mais l'adapter rapide qui va avec la roue est disponible que le 15/02/22 .
La question que je me pose, est ce que je vais tout de même recevoir le DD GT pro avant comme mm?
Car je paye le volant plus cher comme mm et si je doit attendre 25jours ba franchement je sera dégoûté sachant que mon volant actuelle a rendu l'âme
Merci par avance de votre réponse
Can't wait to see an update like this here:
Ok, looks like that I have to stay patient for 3 more weeks. The shipping date just changed from April 8th to April 26th.
What else can I say than 'good things come to those who wait'.
Still no csl dd instock