Windows 7

hello all ,can anyone tell me if it's possible to update the csl dd or the xbox v2 hub using windows 7 ,as i have no access to windows 10/11 thank you


  • Windows 7 is not supported officially for several years now already.

    So it's not tested by Fanatec if the current drivers are working fine on that old OS. It can work, but it does not have to work and there wont be a fix if it's not working. You need to try that out for yourself..

  • thank you for your quick response, i thought this might be the situation ,i really want to change to a csl dd from my csl elite v1 base , everything works great at the moment and i'm afraid to change in case it ruins my set up, with shifter /handbrake v3i pedals and wheels all needing to be updated

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