SQ V 1.5 Shifter Missing Downshifts in Sequential mode.

Hello: I've got a new shifter that I've been using for 20 practice sessions and about 15 races in sequential mode. A couple nights ago I noticed it missing downshifts and it seems to be getting worse. When downshifting, it occasionally does nothing and has to be downshifted again . It happens when downshifting 2 gears so I have to downshift 3 or 4 times instead of 2 to get to my gear. I tried slowing down the shifts in case I was shifting too quickly, I tried shifting firmer to ensure I hit the stop, also made sure I was fully off the throttle, etc.
Any help or advise is appreciated.
I'm very technical and can tear it apart but wanted to ask around first.
Could it be a case of EMI? That shifter, when mounted to rigs, has been known to display some irregularities if the rig itself isn't properly grounded. Might be worth having a look around on these forums, I remember seeing a few threads on the topic.
You are sure it’s not the game preventing the down shift? Don’t know what game you are running but a lot of games sometimes prevent downshifts to not over rev the motor.
In for example iRacing some cars no issues at all but others you really need to have low enough rpm to down shift.
Thanks for responding guys.
I'll research known grounding issues to ensure my rig is properly covered. Good tip, however in this case the issue seems to be specific to the situation and not very random.
The in-game limitations are something I had not yet thought of but sounds reasonable to my issue. I'm running iRacing in the Global MX-5 which is at Lime Rock this week. Turn 1 is a 4 to 2 downshift and the S turns leading up the hill is a 3 to 1 downshift with both being hard braking zones. When I get to the game later I will do some experimenting to see it this could be my problem.