QR2: Holding-out for more info before buying my next wheel

It would be great if Fanatec could be more transparent on the situation with QR2: when is it coming out, how much will both the wheel and base-side upgrades cost, etc.

At present I'm looking at buying 1-2 more Fanatec wheels, but am simply holding out due to not wanting to pay twice for the QR.

Anyone else in this situation?


  • Yeah, it's a mess. It was meant to launch in the first half of last year with the BMW wheel but didn't, as you know. It's unlikely to be available until the second half of this year would be my guess. Price is still unknown. As is why it has been silently delayed. My guess is there are issues that Fanatec are struggling to resolve. That makes me wary of being an early adopter.

    If I was you I'd make do with your current wheel until the new QR is launched and proven. If you really are desperate for a new wheel now just buy one and upgrade it later. You will be able to get rid of the old QR on eBay if you need to.

  • Same here. I only have the McLaren V2 and it does what I need.

    But I do want a Clubsport GT V2. Just waiting to see how the new QR pans out.

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