GT DD Pro Delay

The GT DD Pro bundle was originally scheduled to release March 14, and now its been pushed back to March 25 (at least here in the States). I was already skeptical about Fanatec delivering on time, along with QC issues, but this just confirmed it for me. What do you guys think?
I dont know, but its really frustrating when they just do this and don't email or contact you about it...
I mean, they send me an email to say my loadcells are delayed to March 1, which doesnt effect anything since they wont send out an incomplete order that isnt ready till the 14th. Then when they actually push a date that does matter, they send nothing.
To add to this, I see on reddit that other people in the states that ordered after me, are receiving it already?
Did the date in your order changed or is it just the date in the webshop page? Because if it's just the date in the webshop page then that date only affects NEW orders but not old already place orders.
That's a usual way Fanatec shows different dates when one batch is sold out so they show a later date for the next batch which of course only applies to any new order...
My date on my order page changed to the 25th. I ordered as soon as the shop opened on black friday, so i know i have to be one of the top in line.
There is hope that this is another website error? Since my QR says april 4th, which ive been assured in an error.
I noticed the same thing on my order page. Changed from the 14th to the 25th. Very frustrating.
The date on my pre-order changed, then I checked the main page to confirm, just didn't want to put my order number out there. I think I'm going to cancel the pre-order until better news. I read in another thread Fanatec is working on a stand alone Play Station compatible DD base, 8Nm only, and I might just wait until that comes out. Their goal was to have that ready around GT7 release.
Edit: 10am. It changed back to the 14th.
I see. Well I pulled the trigger on cancelling. Wasn't comfortable with the shady delivery dates and I'm going to wait for the standalone PS compatible DD base. Best of luck!
Won't you encounter the same issue once the PS compatible DD base is released? I'm also assuming that they will be released as pre-orders first and will still be susceptible to the same shipping delays as the bundle that you just canceled. While the dates may be "shady", you still end up getting the product in the end. I've had my DD delayed by almost 2 months and have experienced the same frustration, but I was extremely happy when it did arrive.
I had the same thought but at least this time I can build my own bundle. I already have the McLaren V2 wheel, and wasn't planning to use the GT7 wheel, so no extra items this time through. Still sort of skeptical on Fanatec in general tbh
Unfortunately mine is still changed to the 25th now. I already got a message from them about a delay on the load cells for my premium bundle. Now the entire 8Nm bundle itself is delayed? Come on, I wanna play GT7 with a new wheel.
I've posted on another thread that I split my orders base DD Pro order and then boost pack and v3 pedal set on another and both delivered within 3 weeks of order and a day apart in the UK.........I didn't really think I would get the DD Pro before the expected delivery date of end March showing when I ordered but I got it a month early, no idea if the split order actually made a difference or not to that.
That's a nice set up! Maybe you cracked the pre-order code lol. My order cancellation was confirmed Monday morning but whenever the funds are back in my account I'll press my luck pre-ordering the CSL load cell pedal bundle. Still hoping for promising news on a standalone PlayStation CSL DD base too🤞 That's the last piece of the puzzle for me
My DD Pro Premium bundle shipped on the 24th of Feb after showing a delay until 25th of March, so you likely didn't crack the code. The items just became available before expected.
I guess they don’t want to manually adjust the order for everyone as it is time consuming.
The best way is to ask the customers to cancel the bundle order and make a new purchase without the padels. The rest will be take care by the existing systems automatically. No extra manpower required.
I am also waiting them to confirm my cancellation and get my money back first.
it took about 3 days for them to confirm my cancellation request, then another 3 business days for the money to go back into my account.
I originally ordered my kit on March 3rd to be shipped on March 14th. On March 16th, I went to check my order and it still said processing. I then checked the main page and it said the new pre-order date was April 7th. I received no email notification about the date change. I emailed Fanatec and they said my order would ship on April 7th. On April 6th, I went back to check for updates and the websites date had now changed to May 2nd. I received no notification of this change. So, I emailed Fanatec again....I've received no response yet. Debating on canceling my order and going somewhere else.
Has anyone received their order?