Voluntary subscription?

In light of the recent price changes, would a voluntary monthly subscription of say, £1 for any Fanatec members, be a viable idea?

Just throwing it out there, as I wouldn’t mind paying that but I absolutely would mind, my favourite company going under.

Drive well.


  • I don't think your favorite company is going under. I had ordered items worth 1400 euros in February and today items worth 500 euros. As I can see from the order number, there were 30,000 orders. Because of the pandemic and the conflict the prices are rising globally. For example, in Germany, the fuel prices are currently insane. So shipping and material costs will rise for sure.

  • Gagaryn .Gagaryn . Member
    edited March 2022

    Latest financial report available publicly is Q3 2021. €51.4m sales in the first 9 months of 2021. Sitting on a further €8.7m that had been paid to them on pre-orders that they haven't delivered. I would give your £1 to charity - not Fanatec.

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