Unprecidtable Wheel Shakings in F1 2021

I am experiencing some unpredictable, sometimes quite heavy wheel shakings on some tracks, especially
- Belgium
- Japan
In Belgium, when entering and exiting the last chicane, the wheel shaking is pretty hard and almost not predictable, causing the car to get unstable on corner exit and making it especially hard to hit the apex. Even worse, when entering the pit lane, the wheel shakings are getting much worse for a second, causing my car to hit the wall a few times, resulting in additional five seconds in the pits due to front wing replacement.
In Japan, this does only occur in the hairpin in the second sector.
I am using the recommended F1 2021 Fanatec CSL DD settings as found in https://forum.fanatec.com/discussion/843/f1-2019-2020-2021-pc-fanatec-recommended-settings#latest. I tried reinstalling the game, but this does not seem to work.
Besides that, I am using the csl dd with 8nm torque, but I experienced the same behavior before when I used to race on Belgium with only 5nm of torque.
I hope someone could help me with that to make my racing on those tracks a little bit more enjoyable.
Try to Set the SENSITIVITY to Auto or 2520.
Can turn it down in game but never on the sterring wheel.
Is there a reason for it? I think the problem is more about the Force Feedback Effects, rather than the Steering Wheel Sensivitity. The Sensivitiy is just working fine.
Hi Julian,
Try turning down the in-game 'Wheel Damper' setting, and maybe raising NDP a bit to compensate. Let me know if this helps.
[Fanatec Community Manager]
Hi Dominic,
thanks for the tip, but that did not work unfortunately. I uploaded a video of the "problem" to streamable: https://streamable.com/mibt1n
If you look closely on the steering wheel on pit entry, the wheel shakes quite a bit. It does not seem too hard by just looking at it, but you can clearly feel the shaking on the steering wheel, which makes the car completely unstable in such a narrow pit entry.
As I just tested, I also feel some shaking on Pit Exit in Sochi (which is almost a straight line). I also tried turning off the Wheel Damper Setting (in both Tuning Menu's, In-Game and FCP), but the wheel shaking did occur nevertheless.
Hi Dominic,
after testing my CSL DD on another pc where previously a GT DD Pro was connected, I experienced the same behaviour as mentioned above. Unexpectedly, when the GT DD Pro user now wants to drive with his GT DD Pro, he experiences the same behaviour as I do with my CSL DD without changing any settings.
Any idea what the issue could be?
Im telling you how I fixed my crazy oscillations. 2520 sensitive lines up the screen wheel with your wheel. Put natural damper bout 50. FEI 30. And play with the rest. If I put my wheel sensitive to 300-360 I get crazy oscillations. And interpolation to 3-6. Just try it.
Hi Zachary,
The 2520 workaround should be unique to the Xbox version. The PC and PlayStation versions of the game should have 1:1 rotation when SEN is set to 360.
Hi Julian,
I am confused by your description about the second user. There should be no difference in the behaviour between CSL DD and/or GT DD Pro units. I have tested the sections of track you are describing and I don't think it is an issue. I believe it is just a quirk of the game's FFB, and nothing you can really 'fix' with settings changes.
[Fanatec Community Manager]
Hi Dominic,
I am confused as well. I tested the Force Feedback with the GT DD Pro on the other pc before I even connected my wheel there, there weren't those hard ffb effects. However once I connected my wheelbase to the other pc, now both of the wheelbases (my csl dd and his gt dd pro) show these strong and unpredictable Force Feedback effects.
I don't see an issue with the game's FFB, since myself and the other user did not experience those hard Force Feedback Effects before all that, without changing any settings.
I'd like to sum it up for you:
I know this is quite a confusing problem and situation, but unfortunately, this is how it is.
Hi Julian,
The idea that the behaviour of one base could 'infect' another is very unlikely and hopefully there is another explanation. My guess it is related to the controller profiles. Do you have the previous version of the game to test? Have you noticed the same behaviour in other racing games or is it unique to F1 2021?
Hi Dominic,
yeah, this it what also confuses me, that the system of the GT DD Pro user is also affected by this after connecting my CSL DD with the computer. What do you mean by controller profiles? I tried uninstalling the driver completely from my system and removing any game controller and fanatec device registred in the Device Manager, but that didn't work at all. After the installation of the driver, the FFB effects are still there.
I also experience this behaviour in F1 2020, not only in F1 2021. I do not have any other racing games besides the F1 Games.
Are there any further steps to take when reinstalling the driver? Maybe I did not remove all setup files or so that might interfere with getting a clean installation of the driver.
I'm referring to the way the game manages custom controller profiles. You may have stumbled across a game bug.
However without fully understanding what you mean regarding the behaviour, it is also difficult for us to test and try to reproduce.
The driver installation sounds fine, I doubt it is related.
Hi Dominic,
after I first got the wheel shakings, I tried reinstalling the game, but that did not fix the issue for me.
Is it useful that I send my CSL DD to support to have it tested? However, I don't think the issue is hardware related, since the GT DD Pro user experiences the same behaviour as I do. Two "broken" units is quite rare, I guess.
Maybe there is an issue with the firmware on my csl dd, that is then causing driver problems on the pc's I connect it to? Therefore, is there any way to factory reset the hardware itself, so basically downgrading to a earlier firmware release (currently, my hardware is on the firmware included in driver 439)?
I agree it doesn't sound hardware related.
There is no 'factory reset' as such, beyond resetting the Tuning Menu settings, which is done by holding the Tuning button for over 10 seconds. You can try installing older drivers from the beta drivers section of the forum.
Alright, I'll try that and let you know! Besides that, is it helpful if I provide some more video footage of the sections I am experiencing the wheel shakings in?
The driver downgrade to Beta Driver 423 did not work, unfortunately. I just saw in the firmware update manager that you can update the firmware manually, probably then to a lower version too.
Is this advisable to do and if so, could you tell me that exactly to do then and what firmware file to select?