DD2 at 100%?

Erik EkErik Ek Member

I am currently using the unit in high torque mode and with recommended FFB settings for unit and F1 2022 game, as posted here on the forum.

I am perfectly aware that playability and enjoyability (the guy below does not seem to enjoy the game) is more important than 100% realism, but I cannot help but be intrigued about how it would be to crank up the power to max. However, my curiosity is still overshadowed by intimidation.

  1. Anyone tried the experience?
  2. Does 100% equal true realism as intended by the game producer, or is the equation not that simple?
  3. Any general recommendation on how to balance the unit’s FFB setting with the in-game’s? I.e. the same reasoning as e.g. sound output from an iPhone should be c. 80% and thereafter solely adjusted by the connected speaker?


  • If you actually mean to run the wheel AND the game at 100% then this is definitely not recommended. Will be undrivable and potentially dangerous but you can try it for a short stint if you like to see haha. Running the wheel at 100 and then tuning the in game gain is done by plenty of people.

  • If playability and enjoyability was more important than realism I would play Gran Turismo with a gamepad. I want to feel the same forces on my DD wheel as real drivers would do but I doubt that Dallara P217 generates 24nm on its powered steering wheel. This guys looks pretty comfortable when driving the real car at SPA 4 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps 2018 - Onboard with the #49 High-Class Racing! - YouTube.

  • Dominic BrennanDominic Brennan Member, Administrator

    Hi Erik,

    1. Yes, it's awful! :D
    2. 100% in the FF setting of the Tuning Menu simply means that the motor can make use of 100% of its torque range. This is not necessarily realistic. 100% in-game strength means different things in different games. But more often than not, 100% in-game signal generates clipping (losing the peaks of the detail), and is therefore not recommended.
    3. Generally you want the wheel base overall strength setting (FF) to be turned up high, and then the strength adjusted to your preference in-game. Lower-end bases can be left at 100% FF all the time, because there is never any need to use less than the motor's entire performance. For a DD1 or DD2, 100% FF means that you'll usually want to run the in-game setting very low, which can have an advantage, because the signal will never clip, but sometimes games behave strangely with very low in-game strength settings. This is why most of our recommended settings for the Podium bases don't have FF at 100% (also for safety). But you can certainly experiment with very high FF in the Tuning Menu, and adjusting the strength completely in-game. The worst thing you can do is run the Tuning Menu FF value too low, and then try to raise the strength via an in-game setting, this is how you guarantee clipping.

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

  • Hi Dominic,

    Many thanks for a detailed and informative response, answering precisely what I was looking for.

    On the topic of your game specific recommendations, any chance you could consider creating one for WRC 10?

  • Dominic BrennanDominic Brennan Member, Administrator

    You're welcome Erik.

    Yes we should have one for WRC 10. We'll sort that soon.

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