Pre order date accuracy and availability date. Are 8Nm GT DD pro wheel base shipping?

I have ordered a GT DD pro 5nm when it said pre order and availability in early may. However the product shipped 2 days later around march 5th or so. I have then returned the item and ordered an 8nm DD pro base only because I wanted the boost kit. This time the product page says pre order and May 27th and the customer service also said May 27th.

I guess the question is has anyone received a shipment for 8nm GT DD pro base while it was showing pre-order? I really don't want to wait until late may.


  • I believe you were very lucky the 1st time round for the shipping date to be moved forward. Usually the availability date is quite accurate, but note they can move earlier as you indicated or later, which has happened to others here.

    You should have just purchased an additional 8nm psu whilst you already have the GT DD Pro base.

  • Yeah, had I realized I had to wait 2 months I would have exactly done that.

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