Universal hub v2. One pin is a little shorter. Normal??

This is on the universal hub v2. One of the pins is a little bit shorter than all of the others. Kinda hard to see on the picture because of the angle, but its about 2mm shorter I would guess. This cant be normal? I cant notice anything wrong when using the wheel. I just randomly noticed this when I took the wheel of. Should I be concerned? Should I do something? How short is "to short" ?? The wheel is only a couple of weeks old. This is actually the first time I took it of. I didnt like this... When I try to touch it, it seems like it sits just as tight as all the others though.. Dosent seem loose.
Yes, normal.
It's like this on every Fanatec Wheel since 10 years.
It's the power pin.
Also explained in the FAQs :
Thanks man! 😎 You just saved me money for a doctors appointment and medicine for a nervous breakdown 👍😎
Although the FAQ explanation is incorrect.
"It means the steering wheel will be supplied with electricity before the circuit is closed", should read -
"It means the steering wheel will NOT be supplied with electricity before the circuit is closed."