CSL pedals LC. Gas and Clutch Pedal not working/flickering
Moritz Hufnagel
in Pedals
I received my CSL Pedals LC yesterday. When i first hooked up the pedals only the lc brake was working. Later I tried to manually calibrate the clutch and gas people which then showed me input, but both kept constantly flickering (also ingame), even without any input. I messaged the support but no response so far. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I also tried reinstalling drivers, tired it on another pc, cleaning the pedals, but i can't resolve the problem. I had the problem since I got them. Also, the wires are connected properly and on the right pedals (checked it like 10 times)
Probably broke the board while updating using the usb and also be connected with a rj45 connector.
nope, this isn't possible since this is my only fanatec product. My pedals are connected only via usb
I just received nine.
The clutch and LC shows stable levels for manual calibration while the throttle is flickering mallet between 0-100%.
In automatic calibration mode, the throttle shows no sign of life.
In short, mine is broken on delivery as well.
my LC is connected to my pc via USB. I have no wheel base do it is impossible to assume I broke mine too.
Same problem here, I followed the instructions from the YouTube video when I received my LC bundle on Wednesday but no signal from the throttle or clutch. I’m also connecting it by USB (no Fanatec wheel base.) I opened a ticket on Thursday and waiting for a reply. It seems to be a somewhat common issue judging from the forums and the comments on the video.
Try to manually calibrate the pedals in the Fanatec Software. Most likely the Pedals will show input but they keep flickering, just as my pedals
Manual calibration maybe a hack if it is supposed to work with auto calibration however, I tried manual calibration and the flicker remains.
Is this usable? Not at all because the flickering throttle causes all sorts of drivability problems.
Waiting on RMA.
My issue was resolved with replacement pedals.
My throttle now works without flickering.
Both cailbration modes (auto and manual) works too.