Podium Racing F1 or DD Pro with Porsche 911 GT3 R which is the best choice?
Hello everyone, the "Podium Racing F1" has been on the market for a long time, if used it to play Gran Turismo 7, is it a good choice now? Is there any problem with using it to play GT7? Or would it be more appropriate to buy "Gran Turismo DD Pro Wheel Base (8 Nm)" with "Podium Steering Wheel Porsche 911 GT3 R". In addition, would it be difficult to drive non F1 race car with an F1-style steering wheel?
Thanks a lot!
FFB is completely broken in GT7, and has been for months with no fix in sight as they won't even acknowledge that it's borked. So unless you have another racing game to play, you're wasting your money.
Finally I ordered Podium Racing F1 and ClubSport Pedals V3.
Did you end up getting a satisfactory outcome in GT7 Ken? I'm totally jealous of your ClubSport Pedals 😋
Plenty of other racing sims to try your kit on in any case. I gave up in the end and am just waiting, possibly very naively, on a magical patch to fix the FFB in GT7!
Finally received the Fanatec stuff, I try it and found that it has FFB in GT7, not as you mention that is completely broken in GT7. 😏
May be bought a full-circle steering wheel for rally racing in the future.😊