GT DD Pro Wheel Base working ok, but no connection of wheels

GT DD Pro Wheel Base
Porsche 911 GT3 Podium with Button Module
C lub Steering Formula V 2.5 X
ClubSport Paddles V3
System working properly the last three weeks -yesterday during playing Formula 1 2022 suddenly "no wheel detection" - driver installed and uninstalled - from the newest to older ones (cause i got a screen: "for discontinued wheels such as Porsche and CSR Sereis, use Driver Package V443 or older") and back - the base is working ok, until i connect a wheel, than the whole system collapses. Firmware manager failed to recover, the steering wheel shows : "steering wheel not suported - please update firmware".
pc system is updated, base firmware is updated, wheel firmware update is not possible.
i would be glad to hear suggestions.
try to see if your QR properly seated inside the base shaft?
Try if you can fix it by loosening the clamp, pushing in the QR further into the shaft and then re-tightening the clamp properly like here:
Wow - problem solved
i did not really want to believe it at first, but i tried it anyway - and it worked.
thank you very much for the valuable advice.
i think we are best friends now.
Glad that I was able to help. :)
Thank you so much!
I had the same problem and this solved it.
OMG, I put in a support ticket last night. and stumbled across this post this morning. and it worked!!
This post should be at the top of the topics list. i am so freakin happy right now.
thank you so much..... especially the one who posted originally and the person with the recommended fix.
Just had the same problem and this fixed it. Thank you so much! 🙏