F1 2020 / 2019 and the Formula 2.5 and 2.5x

Looks like the Anniversary sale has these wheels back up till they are gone. What’s the difference between the 2.5 and the 2020? Descriptions have all the same materials. Paddle shifter and qr1 are the same?
I tried to get a 2021 since that was a significant difference but was gone before I could get through the maintenance problems.
Looking at the 2020 and 2.5 wheels. A hundred dollar difference is significant and it appears the difference is looks. Am I wrong?
It's mostly the paddle shifters that are different. But the price doesn't tell you which one is the more complete one.
The 2020 is just a v2.5 with same magnetic paddles but some other materials used, for some reasons the most expensive.
The 2021 is the most complete with full Podium Advanced Paddle Module with extra clutches and paddles etc. For a reasonable price.
The 2019 is the worst of all and has the old non magnetic shifters. If you want to give 2019 magnetic paddles it will cost you 100€ extra, then it's cheaper to just buy a v2.5 which does have magnetic paddles as standard. In my opinion the 2019 is also the worst looking of all of them :)
Ok thanks. That’s what I thought. Seemed like the 2021 was the best deal and the other two weren’t worth the prices. That’s why the 2021 sold out in seconds
Now it says in stock. Got to be kidding me.
The often missed difference between 2.5-2.5X is the compatibility.
2.5X: PS & PC
2.5: PS & PC & XBOX too
You make a mistake there. It's the 2.5X that works with the Xbox. The 2.5 only works with PC & PS. To make it more complex a v2 also works on Xbox. To be complete all wheels only work with the Playstation if you have a Playstation compatible Wheel base. Else all 3 wheels will not work on a Playstation.
v2: PC, PS & Xbox
v2.5: PC & PS
v2.5x: PC, PS & Xbox
Yep, totally confusing and I got the wrong one on BF. By the time I figured it out it was already locked from canceling. Which was ridiculous because there was no way it had shipped out yet. Wonder what return shipping is going to cost.
I bought a F1 2021 wheel, paid it and it says in my personal account that it is "completely shipped" since yesterday... Today I got an e-mail saying it is sold out and that I will get refund and that I get a 10% voucher valid for 1 year to compensate.
But the status in personal account keeps saying it was shipped...
For some reason they even removed the F1 2022 wheel from the anniversary page... It was there as sold out some minutes after I bought it. Now, it's gone!
I got the same email after 6 days from ordering about the same f1 2021 steering wheel :(
That’s a total bummer. The BF tech issues were not fun for anyone.
Yes yes my bad!. 🤪
In 2021 when I made the order for the formula wheel I canceled the order and immediately placed a new one to get the all-wide compatible, 20€ more at the time.
Oh yeah! That happened to me aswell, still havent recieved my refund and lets be honest here a 10% off code is weak. Thanks to their fuckup I missed out on the 20% off bundles which is what i was originally going to buy until I saw the f1 2021 wheel.
Exactly! :(