RevStripe not working CSL Elite WRC

Goodday everyone!
A couple days ago I decided to update the firmware of my Fanatec GT DD Pro, since I hadn't done that since the day that I got it. Everything went smoothly (so I thought), and I booted up an ACC race, but my revstripe LED's are not working anymore. I decided to go into the Fanatec Control Panel to see if it was turned on (it was not), so I ofcourse flicked it on and I also pressed the revstripe test button in the control panel. But unfortunatly the led's decided not to turn on.
I have tried it in compatability mode, in pc mode, tried turning it on and off and also tried resetting the wheelbase and steering wheel firmware, but nothing did anything.
Does anybody know a solution, or what is going on?
That's a known issue of the firmware included in driver 447.
Will be fixed with the upcoming driver 448 later this month.
In the meantime you have to downgrade the driver back to 439 and then downgrade the Firmwares if you need a working RevStripe NOW.
Alright! Seems like I picked a bad time to update my firmware haha. Thanks for your answer! :)