Fanatec Handbrake

Does anyone know if we'll be getting an updated version of the handbrake anytime soon, mines been acting up for months now and im starting to get tempted to buy another brand....
Does anyone know if we'll be getting an updated version of the handbrake anytime soon, mines been acting up for months now and im starting to get tempted to buy another brand....
Nobody knows.
What do you think about my fanatec handbrake mod?
I changed almost everythink, only headphone jack and poti is from fanatec.
IT is incredibly stable and stiff, not comparabil with the original one
Damn that looks really good, Where did you source the parts from?
A view parts from Amazon like the spring and the Handbrake and the aluminium profile, and the other stuff from the local hardware store.
I tried direfent types of handbrakes and solutions.... This was for me the best, the most time and money i spend was because i wanted to build it without Any special Tools or parts, and ofcorse because i wanted the stiffness and stability.
Nice mod, Kim!!
Planning on making a custom “case” for mine aswell - what LC/Spring setup do you use?
Funny that you used the same handle i used on my current iteration - currently about to mill a full metal handle similar to the BJ Steel one to mount on the lower part of the cheapo handle… : )
Oh, the joys of simracing… : )
I used a Red șpring... I think it is middle hard with 50mm and 2 Brake elastomer 85 with a Brake washer. On the botom of the screw is another elastomer as a buffer.
I play now since a few month with the handbrake and it is amazing....
Great work. I have my handbrake since a week now and I’m not 100% satisfied. Could you be so nice to share some information what springs you are using and maybe we to find the stuff to upgrade the break?!
Thank you in advance,