Podium Hub is not detected by DD1 wheelbase

I received my podium hub today as part of the Porsche GT3 R wheel package. The podium hub does not appear to be recognized by my DD1 wheelbase as it does not show the wheel icon on the DD1's OLED display, the wheel is not recognized on Fanalab or Fanatec Control Panel, and the screen on the podium button module endurance does not function. All my other wheels are functioning properly.
All pins look straight and attaching the hub to the wheelbase feels completely normal and no extra force is needed.
Additionally, when attaching the podium hub to the DD1 it no longer recognizes any of my other wheels. A restart of the DD1 is required for my other wheels to be recognized again. Additionally, I have tested with the podium button module endurance disconnected, as well as the APM disconnected and the podium hub is still not detected.
I've swapped the QR1 from my Clubsport RS wheel to the Podium hub and the issue still occurs.
I am unable to flash firmware as the hub is not recognized by the wheelbase or the PC.
All issues are demonstrated in the following video: https://youtu.be/YExkwVegOl8
Has anyone else had this problem and have gotten a solution? Was it an issue with the Podium Hub or something relating to the wheelbase?
You have to contact the support to send in your P Hub and your DD1 for a repair / exchange as this is a hardware issue.
So you reckon it is an issue with podium hub and DD1 combination, and that the DD1 has to be sent in for repair too? My other wheels (Clubsport RS and Formula v2) both work perfectly with the wheelbase.
I have just had my DD1 RMA'd becuase it was dead on arrival, and have only had it for a week.
Yes, unfortunately the issue seems to happen quite often lately and from what II have read every affected customer had to send in the Hub and the Base for investigation and in most cases I think it was the Base which was at fault.
So unfortunately you will need to RMA your Base again.
Woof, alright thanks for the feedback.
Bonjour, j’ai moi aussi reçu le même volant Porsche aujourd’hui , j’ai la même configuration que vous , les trois mêmes volants, et j’ai exactement les mêmes problèmes que vous , volant Porsche non reconnu
Cela ne peut pas venir de la base.
Please post in English according to the forum rules
Bonjour, j’ai aussi reçu le même volant Porsche aujourd’hui, j’ai la même configuration que vous, les mêmes trois volants, et j’ai exactement les mêmes problèmes que vous, volant Porsche non reconnu
Cela ne peut pas venir de la base.
Please post in English according to the forum rules
Seem to be having the same issue... Podium Hub not recognized by F1/DD1 wheelbase. The Podium F1 wheel is recognized and actually the Podium Hub is recognized by a GT DD Pro wheelbase I have on hand before upgrading to the Podium F1 wheelbase for Black Friday and then subsequently buying additional gear also on sale during Black Friday
Not sure why Fanatec keeps letting people buy products that have known issues. Now seems like a bit of a cash grab that they would discount the Podium F1 and let people find out that other Podium products don't even work properly with it
Same issue. Why are they still selling these when they obviously know there's an issue. Now to start the RMA process I guess. Absolutely infuriating.
Same issue here but my DD1 is intermittently recognizing my Podium on my GT World Challenge wheel. Usually have to turn the DD1 on and off again 3-4 times but eventually it recognizes. Once the podium is recognized, everything works great including the Button Module.
My F1 wheel that came with the Podium DD1 works awesome. No issues whatsoever.
Going to be furious if I have to RMA this already. This is brand new gear where I spent $2,750 on their equipment. Paying shipping back and forth would be a total kick in the teeth.
Same issue as some others: it's an issue with the WQR, so a hardware issue of the base and so yes, you have to RMA the base.
Ugh....that's what I was afraid of. Any idea what turnaround time is on RMA's? And does Fanatec pay shipping? I would hope they would.
Received shipping labels for RMA today. My wheelbase and Podium Hub are headed back to California for testing/diagnosis/repair. Hope everything comes back in working order.
I had the same issue on DD1F1 with new GT World Challenge wheel. Anyone has solved the issue? What's the next step?
Nobody other than the support can solve this issue.
+1 to this. You need to open a support case. Support will direct you to try a couple different things and may ask you to provide a video of the issue. Provide them with the information they need and it will go smoothly. I had an RMA and shipping labels within two days of contacting them. And my units are currently at Fanataec for diagnosis/repair.
Happen to me during the holiday sale, PS compatible F1 bundle. Reurn the first one, got a replacement and it was even worse. Ended in a full refund. Fanatec support was awesome which is why I am willing to bet it was a bad batch and try again later. The DD1 is really darn good, just needed to work as intended with my Xbox universal hub.
Same issue here. F1 Podium Wheel with DD1 for PS works great. I bought an extra 'compatible' Fanatec Porsche Wheel With podium hub, advanced button module & shifters. When attached it is recognised by the Driver as the display on the wheel lights up, but no buttons on the wheel work. I just submitted a support request. Let's see how they suggest to fix it. I am living in The Netherlands so I am afraid I need to ship it to their HQ in Germany.
Fanatec Technical Support responded the same day. It turned out; a firmware update did the trick. No need to RMA the base. I can use the DD1 Driver now with both the F1 wheel as the new Porsche wheel with endurance button module and podium shifters. :thumbsup:
Hi ! What do you mean by a firmware update? Which one? another one than the 450?
Time to time my universal hub V2 is not detected and after 2 or 3 reboot it works again. It was also your issue?
Contact the support to get your base repaired as it's a known hardware issue of the WQR of the base.
I bought the DD1 used from another person. The invoice is dated 10/11/2022. Does the warranty work?
If you have the original invoice then the warranty can be transferred to you, yes.
Just submitted that support ticket but what your guys thoughts? I'm I having this same issues or is it a driver or firmware problem...
"I have been having some bugs with what i think is my wheels. My podium hub wheels connect to the wheel base but imitatively go into a flash firmware that repeats itself over and over again. Once in 20 flash attempts it recognizes one of the podium hub wheel bases but as the wrong wheel. Sometimes even switching the base from PC to XBOX/PS4 with the podium hub and wheel that has no buttons. My F1 wheel vibrates uncontrollably and wont flash its firmware either. As soon as I disconnect and reconnect the wheel it starts to flash its firmware again. This started to happen after I updated to the new 451 Driver. But I have been having some problems with my shifters or wheel going dead or reseting itself during races before. (within this year)
I have tired to install past drivers but cant get any of them to flash the firmware of the podium hubs. If I disconnect my wheels I can get the base, pedals, and motor to update its firmware so I know those are all good but cant get my podium hub to connect to the fanatec firmware manger. Same problems with both my F1 podium wheel and my Podium Hub wheel.
I have read the full driver and firmware instructions manual and tried out all the troubleshooting steps including switching USB slots, checking pins, checking grounds,previous firmware and drivers, factory resets and new drivers uninstall and re install.
I have read through the forums and tried to dig up as much as I could on this subject. I think this about the Podium Hub not detected by DD1 Base is the closest forum I could locate however there could be some potential resembles to some post made on the Drive 451 Forum too.
I'm just looking for some help and advise on what's the next step and things to try. Currently the wheel wont connect or flash the firmware at all on either of my podium wheels so I can use them.
Is this what the new QR2 is helping fix? Looking for some help on the direction to go. Love my Fanatec equipment and cant wait to use it again. "
Thanks for opinions!!1
100% WQR issue of the base.
That's the Wireless Quick Release right? is that what the new QR2 is replacing/improving?
Yes, that it the Wireless Quick Release but no, that is completely unrelated to the QR2 as it's a Module deep inside the Base which transmits data wireless to the QR without needing to use a slipring. Has nothing to do with the QR2.
Issues of the WQR can only be fixed by the support.