McLaren GT3 V2 rim grip flexing.

The left side grip on my GT3 rim has started to flex. Feels like it's eventually going to break off. I've reported, at least I think I have, the problem to Fanatec support and enclosed video. I've had no feedback, it has been a few days, from Fanatec not even an acknowledgment that the report has been sent. Not even an automated reply.
When you click send report button there is no notification report has been sent or that a ticket has been opened. I know the site says don't open up second ticket but I have as not sure if an initial ticket has been opened.
The rim is under a year old, warranty runs out June 2024.
So Fanatec have got back to me and we have had several emails back and forth. Looks to me as if they want me to post the wheel back to their workshop and then they will decide whether it can be repaired and whether they will honour the warranty. As I understand it I will be liable for package and postage. If they won't repair it under warranty I would be charged just over $60 an hour. I don't think the wheel is repairable. The person who I've been dealing with also says from the video and photos I've sent it looks like it has been dropped. It hasn't.
So I'm worried that I pay to send it over to Fanatec's workshop and they decide it's not fixable and then I've spent more money on this.
The wheel is only 7 months old and hasn't been dropped or abused.
Sent the rim back to Fanatec workshop and got a speedy response. They have agreed to replace my wheel with a "mint " wheel, which I assume is a second hand/ slightly used wheel in A1 condition. So happy with that and resolved more quickly than I expected. Wheel to arrive tomorrow.
So I noticed this about a week ago. Initially thought it was the grip coming loose and even thought about third party replacement. But within the week the casing that meets the base of the right grip cracked and failed. Never been dropped, rig on carpet.Left with the right rim flipping around like a wind charm.
Heres the drop. I bought the csl dd bundle from the Fanatec site. At the time I was living in Japan and was assured that if I registered my product with the new region my warranty would be applicable. Registered with a Fanatec Europe when I returned, as advised and when my CSL DD failed, it was collected, repaired and returned within days. The process from start to finish was excellent. Products sold in Japan are only offered a one year warranty but Europe is offered two years Asked if I was eligible as I was now based in the UK and received a mail to say yes. So imagine my surprise to receive a cold reply about repairing my now half a wheel rim at $60/hr when the two year warranty doesn’t run out till October 2023! The rep said that I had bought it from a Japanese seller. I didn’t. I bought it from the official site, only when I saw the invoice did it say Endor Japan. Thought nothing if it. Reputable company. Throw my money in. The rep said they were speaking with their supervisor and that’s the last I have heard. Just to tide me over till it’s repaired or replaced, I even splashed out for the P1. Not the most expensive rim, but still another product of the ecosystem. Kinda feel a bit put out about it all. I have mails advising me that I needed to register in Europe to recieve the warranty, a mail confirming my eligibility and yet the representative doubled down with the paid repair. If my products were outside of warranty, I would have swallowed the cost and gotten it repaired, but put out at what I see as selective application of warranty and the same department giving me conflicting information. I’ve been pleased with Fanatec advised friends to go the Fanatec route precisely for the professional company and products. Now this. Wouldn’t mind if I’d actually dropped it
I’ve been waiting for a reply from the representative as they were to speak With their supervisor. Heard nothing so far. Discussed with
consumer rights body, who agree with my opinion after seeing all correspondence. So waiting to see if Fanatec honour the warranty or I cancel the current order for the other rim, get everything from them on EBay and advise all and everybody stay clear. Shame as it’s been a fantastic 16 months. Just thought I was paying for more than that.
I have to admit that the comments around the internet about Fanatec support, in my case, seem unfounded. Apart from this initial bump, they have supported me well .
After explaining the situation in a couple of mails, my case was accepted and the rim is about to be sent back for repair. I am happy with that and look forward to hooking everything back up and racing again. If Fanatec read this forum, I’d like to thank them for being reasonable. Fair bit of cash invested in the company, because they are established and if any issues arise, you can discuss directly. Happy camper!