Dd2 force feedback too strong

I have just bought the dd2 base and have started playing iracing. I put the settings recommended by Maurice and fanatec but the force feedback is always too strong and it is impossible to play. I have to turn it down but after that I have no feel for the wheel and no feeling. If anyone can help me, thank you in advance.
How I set it in all games:
Lower the in-game gain to about 50% to avoid clipping, unless you crash (then you want clipping).
Turn all effects/filters in the wheel base off and add as little smoothing as possible (INT). Leave FEI at 100.
Regulate the FFB strength in the wheel base. On the DD2, start off with 30-50% or something, depending on what wheel you're using.
People will bring you all kinds of magic recipes with NFR/NDP/NIN. My way is to let the game handle all that, and let the wheel base be as transparent as possible.
If you want it weaker but still feel all the faint signals (boosting weak signals), you need to lower the linearity in-game. Otherwise, 100% linearity is preferred.
Thank you very much for the reply, I'll try that tonight. But what are your settings on iracing and which wheel do you play with?
It's more or less the same in all games - it's just called different things. Personally, I play RaceRoom mostly as I prefer the physics/ffb in that game, but I've played some ACC and rF2 as well. iRacing I've only tried out briefly.
My advice would be to follow the Fanatec recommended settings, but turn effects such as NDP/NIN/NFR off. Those, for me, just muddy the feedback. Turn INT as low as possible, but you will need some because of the low FFB refresh rate in iR (in ACC/rF2/RR off or 1 is enough). FFB strength at 90 in the Fanatec tuning menu is stupid high, unless you got a huge heavy wheel, so turn that down. Not sure why they recommend linear in the Fanatec settings instead of peak - maybe that's why FFB 90 is fine, because it limits the peak torque?
I'm on a Fanatec 8Nm but all DD's are the same. They just use different motors, in- or outrunner, have different strength, and different brands call the effects/filters different things.
For performance, the goal is to have as weak FFB as possible so you can be quick and precise in steering, not fighting the wheel, while still strong enough to feel everything, and only clip during crashes.
Bonus tip: use correct fov, increase sound of tyre scrub/skid, make sure you got as low input lag as possible (otherwise it's like driving drunk).
Good luck!
This is a good explanation/visualization even if you don't play RaceRoom: https://forum.kw-studios.com/index.php?threads/from-old-to-new-ffb-tips-info.17116/
Thank you very much for your time mate. Your explanation is very well
I have just one more question. What is the input lag ?
The combined latency in milliseconds from the moment you make an input with a peripheral (wheel, pedals, mouse, keyboard) until it actually shows on your monitor. Also, of course, if something happens to your car, you actually see it afterwards, and react after it has already happened. Everything is simply delayed, like if you're drunk and try to play a reaction based game or try to have precision in something - it's very difficult.
V-sync without VRR, or being GPU bound overall, increases input lag a lot. Running a 60Hz monitor with 60FPS or lower also increases it a lot. If you can run for example a 144Hz monitor with your FPS locked to 141, which is within VRR range, without dropping FPS and overloading your GPU, you'll have very low input lag.
It's easy to test. Bring up your virtual wheel and move your physical one swiftly from side to side. When properly configured, there shouldn't be any discernible delay.
If you got lots of input lag, you're actually reacting to the past (50-100ms), making it very difficult to balance on the edge of grip, slide around and correct swiftly. It can be described as a "floaty" feeling, in both FPS games and in simracing.
Hello, for the DD2, one thing I recommend is "balancing" out the FFB from game to wheel. Since the DD2 is 25NM, try to keep the Forcefeed back at 50:50/45:55/40:60 etc for the full 25NM effect. So for example, F1 22 https://forum.fanatec.com/discussion/26585/f1-22-pc-fanatec-recommended-settings#latest they keep the FFB on the wheel at 45 which is approximately 11 NM torque (4% = 1NM torque) and in game FFB at 60 (60/100 * 25 = 15NM torque). I keep mine at 36-42 makes, the steering easier. Hope this helps and remember, you can always adjust the ratio to your liking but try to stick to the combined ratio of 25.
Hi, thanks for the information, was amazing to read. I have the same problem with Maurice profiles, they are all to hard and for me I can’t almost drive… I know that Maurice and the team make an excellent work, but I’m a little confused with that and read to another driver makes me think I don’t understand why we don’t use the 100% of the base on Fanalab profile… I think this is a breaking change and I would love to know why we have moved from a 90% recommendation to a 60%.
Thanks again ;)
Same problem here ;)
Hi guys, I am having a similar issue. Any of the official recommended settings I try for different games have far too strong force feedback on my DD1. e.g. ACC, GT7 & Dirt Rally 2.0
I came across a guy speaking about it on the ERMZ Youtube channel. He said it turned out there was an issue with the wheel base.
He speaks about it at 6:20 -
Anyone else ever have this issue?