DD1 not recognizing podium hub wheel

New to this and fanatec product but have recently purchased a Podium racing Wheel F1 ( DD1 base ) and have updated to the latest firmware 3.0.0. When I interchange to a different wheel the DD1 does not recognize the wheel yet when I take it to a friends the wheel works perfect on his DD1. In addition, when the wheel is installed and I start up the DD1 it shuts down immediately. Has anyone experienced this issue? Any help is appreciated
That's a known hardware issue and you need to contact the support to get the base repaired.
Thanks Maurice, I have sent several support tickets since November but cannot confirm they have been received as I have never received a reply or confirmation. Is there any way to confirm they have received my support request?
I am experiencing this myself, is it just the base, or the podium hub also?
It is the Quick Release board of the base.
Hi Maurice, Thanks for your reply, I am new to this, I am afraid I do not know what you mean, however, my issue...... the wheel base turns on, but the display goes completely blank (this issue doesn't happen all the time, but enough to be a concern). I turn it off then on again, and the wheel base does not recognise the wheel. I have the Podium racing wheel F1 for Playstation, the F1 wheel works fine, no issues, but when I connect my other wheel (podium hub, endurance button module), nothing at all
Yep, thats the known hardware issue and you have to contact the support.
Thankyou mate, I have contacted support a few days ago, I notified them of this issue on this forum being a common known fault, but they seem to want me to try different things. Them being in Germany and myself in Australia, seems to make it drag on. I get 1 email a day from them
Oh I see what you mean now, does that part have to be replaced, or is it just a case of unplugging it and reconnecting it?
It needs to be replaced AFAIK.
Pardon my ignorance, what does AFAIK mean?
I sent from another browser and received confirmation, it's in the queue
Update on the status of my situation , I had to send my complete unit back for repair/replacement? I am still waiting to hear back, it has now been 3 weeks and I get the same response
Hello Scott,
thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to say when exactly you will receive your equipment back.
This is because it depends on multiple factors such as delivery times, etc...
In general, the entire repair process takes 2 weeks including shipping.
If you have any further questions, you can always come back to us. We will be glad to help you out!
I wish you a nice day, and please stay safe!
Best regards / Freundliche Grüße
(Fanatec Support Team)
I'm having this exact same issue, with my CSL DD Pro and the podium hub. I found the issue was with the hub (as this thread confirms), after moving the button module to my universal hub. It works perfectly on that hub, so I also moved my podium shifters to the hub as well.
So, for those of you experiencing the same issue..... and want more than one wheel
The latest is now the repair team has requested ( after 3 weeks) I send back my 2 podium hubs and my 2 quick connects, even thou I asked repeatedly before sending back my DD1 and F1 wheel if I should send all components back, they assured me everything was not required and now that is not the case. I am located in Canada so cross border shipping, customs etc delays the process.
So if you encounter this issue send everything back so you do not encounter the delay like I have. Close to 4 weeks and have heard nothing on the status of the repair or replacement.
Happy to report that I have received my equipment back, it is now in working order( all my wheels work)! For those experiencing the same issue ,as frustrating as it is to send back ( time) I would recommend it.
Happy to be back driving again!