New F1 Podium arrived not working


I received F1 podium Monday, I went to update it. PC but I could only see it in PC Comp mode 2.5

After the update could not connect to the PC or PS5 the fan is running 100%.

I understand there can be an issue with the motor and base firmware which is presently

Base 3.0.1

Motor 29.0.0

wheel 44

Is there a way to roll back the base firmware using the bootloader pressing for 8 seconds I can't load older software onto Fanalab it's blocking anything above 442.

I have raised a ticket........tumbleweed


  • Have a potential solution have installed fanalab v1.12 which means I can install driver package 340 which im hoping the bootloader will bring into line the firmware for base and the motor.

    What do you think?

  • actually Fanalab should not prevent you from installing anything. The firmware is in the driver package and should work independently of Fanalab. If it does, just uninstall Fanalab and install any other driver version you want.

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