Are Xbox wheel control limitations present in Game Pass titles played on PC?
Brian O'Rourke
I recently picked up a Fanatec bundle and am excited to get it setup. I'm aware that there are certain buttons, switches, lights, etc on the wheel that are not supported in Xbox titles (this sucks!). If I play the same titles on PC through Game Pass Ultimate (E.g. F1 22), will the wheel still have the limitations or will it behave as intended on PC and be supported in its entirety? If the former, I may finally have to make the move to PC for racing. 🙂
Thanks in advance!
Everything is functional, and customizable to the full extent that the game in question allows.
I contemplated and then made the very same move you're thinking of, a little over two years ago. I couldn't be happier.
Thanks a bunch Gregg. Is this the same for multi-display support on PC for Game Pass titles? I get giddy just thinking about the possibility of running three monitors in F122. 😂
I think so, but I'm not 100% sure about that, as i only game on a single monitor myself. (Would love triple screens, just don't have the room or budget right now). I suspect that even if a game doesn't have specific controls for triples, you can still configure something through your graphic card's driver software.