HELP! PLEASE! Need help pls with the install > CSL DD 8 Nm on Windows 11 after a 14 month break

Hello, First, it bores me to death.

The installation routine seems to get more and more complicated. Tons of features. But when I take a break from driving and come back after 14 months, it's a horror to get the wheel running again.

I got a CSL DD (8 Nm) with ClubSport steering wheel BMW GT2 V2, ClubSport pedals V3 inverted and ClubSport shifter SQ. This all on Windows 11 x64

The wheel display shows 1.1.8 and 1.0.2 when I start it.

The latest Fanatec control panel 451 shows no device. FanaLab is 1.69.7 and shows no device. The wheel shows CAL. It blinks. With the tuning button, A_S is displayed. No matter what I do, I can't get out of this mode. I do not know what to do.

I uninstall, I reinstall. By the way, I read the manuals. It really doesn't help: look for this information in the quick install, look for another information in the manual. If it does not help, watch the videos and read the post on the forum. There is too much information from different sources.

One manual with all the information. Please!


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