Will it actually Run

The control panel will not run on my brand new PC. CSL DD Pro - V3 Pedals - Maclaren Wheel.

In ACC Competition I cant get my brakes to stop acting as the accelerator. On the PS5 with GT7 everything just works.

I thought maybe the control panel would help but it refuses to run.

I'm new so I'm probbl6y missing it all but I need help badly after the cash put-out especially.

Thanks in advance


  • When did you downloaded the driver?

    There was an issue where a wrong driver was uploaded on Monday, this was fixed on Wednesday.

    Make sure to re-download the driver from www.fanatec.com/driver, uninstall your current driver and re-install the newly downloaded one, then the Control Panel should open.

  • Thank you. I can open the program now. Worked like a charm.

    Now where can I go to get help with ACC Competition as my brake wants to be the accelerator and the accel indicator on the screen goes from full on the right to zero on the left? I can't figure it out. The car is stuck at 1 km per hour. Do I need to do the pedals in the control panel first perhaps?

    This stuff makes me think I must be the dumbest guy on the planet.

  • Ok, I think I got it. I had to invert the throttle for anyone else who may run into the problem. Now to keep the car on the road.

    Thanks again for your help. One day I'll learn how to drive.

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