ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 and PS 5 GT7 F1 23

Hi everyone
I'm new, I need help
I bought ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 mounted on Gran Turismo DD Pro, it works well
I didn't understand which steering wheel I have to select in Gran Turismo 7 and F1 23 Playstation 5
I can't configure the buttons
Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
I don't play F1 but for GT7 you have to select the GT wheel then map buttons accordingly. Refer to the user guide that came with the wheel to see what PS buttons they correspond to. You can't assign rotaries in GT7 as the game doesn't support them, the toggle switches on my McLaren work the MFD so maybe they will on your Formula.
In F1, Settings, controls, there are a bunch of boxes. If you don’t see a bunch, use triangle to toggle settings filter.
Scroll to the right and there is something that will match up (sorry forgot the default name). Acutally any of the fanatec ones will work. You will need to make a copy and edit that. All the buttons, switches and paddles are recognized and assignable, even rotary funky switch, except the analog stick on the left (why not EA???).
Save it and then enable it so a check mark is on it. DDPro must be in blue mode for the game to properly recignize it