Request for Help... My DD1 has Auto (AS) and Custom (CS) Options Only, No SET1 thru SET5

I am new to the Fanatec ecosystem. When I first got the system running, the DD1 had SET1 thru SET5 profiles for me to work with. Now, it is on Auto (AS), and I am not sure how it got there. When I try to change away from Auto (AS), my only other option is Custom (CS). There is no option anymore for SET1 thru SET5. The Custom (CS) profile has very limited options in it. For example, it has no FFS or NFR and things like NDP can't go down to a value like 16. Could someone explain what is going on and how to get back to the SET1 thru SET5 details?


  • Pressing and hold the Tuning Menu button on your steering wheel for 4 seconds in order to switch between Standard and Advanced Tuning Menu.

  • Alessandro, thank you! That press and hold for 4 seconds did indeed get me to a mode where my S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5 setups are back available.

    I have read the DD1 User Manual closely, but I am confused as to how I actually tell the system which setup I want. If I press the tuning menu button again to exit tuning while I am on S2, is it S2 that the system uses as active? Or is there some menu spot in tuning where I designate which setup I want to be active?

  • You are in the (not so new anymore) Standard Tuning Menu with limited ranges and settings. To get into the Advanced Tuning Menu with all the settings with it's full ranges just press and hold the Tuning Menu Button for 3 seconds while being in the Tuning Menu.

  • The Setup which you were in while closing the TM is active.

  • Maurice, thank you for this answer and the one you posted on Reddit. You are awesome, sir.

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