How to setup CSL DD PRO for Forza in Xbox?

So first of all, I tried many settings for Forza Motorsport 7 and Forza Horizon 5.
My problem is, the wheel over about 140 km/hour pulls even in a straight road. So if I don't grab the wheel it moves from right to left.
If I redzce the FFD it won't solve the problem, just it gives less power, so I can correct it this behaviour.
So as I mentiend I have a DD Pro, with an Xbox series X.
there could be multi reasons
too low steering angle
your force feedback setting at game are negative instead off positive , don't ask me if its possible change, i not have this game
do you notice that it pulls to one side when you don't let go of the steering wheel?
You can find the video, what I have recorded about the problem:
I reset all of the in game settings, as you can see about 200 km/hour the wheel moves, and difficult to correct
It looks like you're experiencing oscillation when you remove your hands from the wheel. My question is, why are you removing your hands from the wheel? Some oscillation is not uncommon, and this appears to be mild enough that by keeping both hands on the wheel, your hands and arms act as natural dampers, and you'd barely feel or be affected by it at all.
thing is tho,if you are at straight line this actually not happens with real car so he have same odd feeling like allot others
but yes in safety reasons you should really not release hands from steering wheel first place even in reality, expect if you already at in near wall for crash
I released the wheel because of the demonstration... If I grab the wheel, this oscillation won't go away, just I have to deal with it. This oscillation causes instability of car, because I always try to correct this.
These are the settings that I've used for FM7 on Xbox One.
(Fanatec driver v439 - I've never been compelled to upgrade beyond that)
SEN 900
FF 100
FEI 100
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside 100
Vibration Scale 10
FFB Scale 100
Aligning Torque Scale 105
Mechanical Trail Scale 100
Pneumatic Trail Scale 120
Road Feel Scale 90
Load Sensitivity 75
Wheel Damper Scale 15
Center Spring Scale 20
Dynamic Damper Behavior 75
Wheel Rotation Angle 900
Steering Linearity 50
Tested with the Indy car at Indianapolis, indeed there is a fair amount of oscillation if you remove your hands from the wheel. There were some fairly strong kicks especially noticeable while cornering, but to me it felt mostly ok, which I interpreted as bumps and the reaction of the car's suspension to the cornering loads. I've never driven an Indycar or anything close to it in real life, but it all felt reasonably good to me.
The thing with oscillation is that it starts with very little movement and then amplifies more and more the longer you let it go. By keeping your hands on the wheel, your hands and arms are absorbing and correcting for this small bit of movement usually without you even noticing. If it really bothers you, you might try increasing the NDP and/or NIN values on the wheelbase to counteract it. This will make the wheel feel more "sluggish" and resistant to changes of direction, but can also make it more difficult to feel fine detail and to make quick steering corrections (to catch a slide, for example).
I don't think there are any "perfect" settings, you're always going to have some degree of oscillation present, it's just a limitation of the hardware/software. It's all about finding a reasonable compromise.
that issue have allot games really. i played the American truck simulator for example and this even started happen with a car what stays still
for me it fixed at there for increase the steering angle
it could be that there is some-sort firmware bug what calculates this wrongly depends off steering angle
My comment from the Motorsport Settings post:
"I'm super happy with these settings (CSL DD 8nm, X-box series X) based on the 'Racing from Home' YouTube channel (the guy spent hours perfecting it). Tested on regular road cars but it's a great foundation that you don't need to change, and rather adjust the car settings where needed (GT and F1).
Tuning Menu Settings:
SEN 2520
FFB 100
FFS Peak
NDP 10
FEI 100
In-Game Settings:
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside 100
Accel Axis Deadzone Inside 15
Accel Axis Deadzone Outside 100
Decel Axis Deadzone Inside 25
Decel Axis Deadzone Outside 95
Clutch Axis Deadzone Inside 10
Clutch Axis Deadzone Outside 100
Ebrake Axis Deadzone Inside 10
Ebrake Axis Deadzone Outside 100
Vibration scale 40
Force feedback scale 100
Steering Self Alignment 100
Mechanical trail scale 65
Pneumatic Trail Scale 125
Road Feel Scale 200
Load Sensitivity 60
Wheel Damping Scale 40
Center Spring Scale 80
Dynamic Damper Behaviour 100
Steering Sensitivity 100
Steering Linearity 50
I had an issue with the settings 'as is' that I borrowed from the 'Racing from Home' channel when the cabin wheel and hands animation weren't in sync with the physical wheel, it was at least 2x times faster (SEN = AUTO, Steering Sensitivity = 50). When I changed SEN to 252 and Steering Sensitivity to 100, the issue was gone, yet I still have around the usual 900 degrees of rotation 'lock to lock'. The overall experience and feel are amazing, I don't want to change anything, apart from the actual racing skill =)
And I believe you can then tweak the 'steering rotation' and sensitivity per car in the car's settings if you need quicker and more limited steering for GT and F1 cars without changing the main settings.
PS Braking limits help me brake more consistently at 80% with standard CSL pedals without the Load Cell."
if you use these settings the SEN 2520 on the wheel is important, i dont get perfect scale between my wheel on screen and mine ( formula 2.5) havent found a way to fix that yet, but if i lower the SEN i get the oscillation you talk about, the lower sen, the stronger it gets at lower speed,
thing is , not every game supports this Auto mode so not always the 2520 is a option
if i put (sen) on 2520 my car doesn't turn lol