Fanatec tracking number

Does anyone have a old order screenshot they can post to show where the tracking number actually shows up in ‘Orders’ on the website?

Just so I know what I’m looking for if I eventually receive a tracking number


  • Here is the thing, when you book UPS or Fedex etc. You get a pre-alert via email. There is no need to create account, Fanatec could easily share the tracking if it was available. The reason it´s not available is becasuse they haven´t shipped the order, simple as that.

  • Yeah that’s what I’m starting to think to be honest.. told me it’s been shipped but only said that so I stop emailing them..

  • I have the same problem, and the answer i have is :

    We are very sorry your order is affected by a processing backlog and would like to provide you with context on the situation. Within the scope of providing better service and more options for our customers, we have transitioned to a new EU warehouse. Despite our best efforts and extensive preparation on our end, this change has had more hiccups than we could have expected. One aspect of this includes incorrect updates on the shipping status, which is why you do not have a tracking number yet.

    Rest assured, things are moving forward. We have added additional staff to handle the workload and it is our primary goal to get your purchase out to you as soon as possible. Once your order has left our warehouse, the tracking number will be uploaded to your order in your Fanatec account and you can track the delivery progress via UPS directly. 

    We greatly appreciate your continued patience!

    I know it's not shipped cause i would have received a mail from UPS, this is really bad, and they are not suppose to take the money until they ship the product.

  • They saying they add tracking to the order at fanatec account but u need to run desktop not mobile . But I would file this under bs , there is no tracking either mobile version or desktop version also they don't sent email with tracking at least in EU

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