Wheel Formula V2: OLED shift display

Is it possible to have neutral "n" and reverse "r" displayed using also the highest segments of the dispaly and not only the lower ones?
In other words: with the same height as 1st/2nd... gears
Now they are half the height and seems like the display is damaged
the reason why they use that, they use those cheap 8 digit displays in most off they steering wheels what cost around 0.7 eurs, by default oled could use any character but its easier them use same method for all.
that is also one reason why i not buy those new steering wheels even tho they look by design kind off ok.
those 8 digit steering wheels reminds me a year 1980
imagine i user have this
full colored display steering wheel and then
use something what have only 3 numbers and even those look weird
that thrustmaster steering wheel quality is not best tho but atleast it have something what fanatec is far far behind
thrustmaster needed use low quality stuff like plastic, if they would made that in high quality that price would go way too high that users may not buy so they needed take that risk
if talk about quick release they plastic muter what they use still feels better than fanatec plastic quick release.
the only reason why i buy the fanatec steering wheel is because Thrustmaster show me middle finger when i asked them a SDK.
and as i'm a mod'er i needed that for my game modding , now fanatec kive me that without any doubts so big plus for them about this
there are market also the cheap displays what technically could show also R and N, don't ask me why they still use those weird looking 1980 year stuff tho
i personally waiting a when they release a colored display steering wheel, other stuff what they sell i not care
But also with an old 8 digit led display it is possible to display a higher "r" and "n".
It can be made lighting up the upper horizontal led instead of the middle one
That would look very bad and we dont want this.
It stays like it is and wont change.
that not really look like R if you use that in uppercase digits so lower one is better for this
two digits n at fanatec is actually a M so that is already in use
What? Fanatec is not using "M".
actually there are allot characters, i just not bother fully read they SDK manual
those symbols are weird tho, its like learn a Japanese language